
Not the newspaper.

Okay, I agree with ReZ. Today was ultra hilarious. Ok let's start with what happened before the competition.

I joined Nic, Isaac, Brian, Peter and some 2.13 people for soccer. Nothing much, just proves that I am bad at soccer.

After the soccer game we went back to class, played for abit, then headed for some Science Research briefing. Peter Tan was introducing us to SR, and I think he's pretty sad. Like really. I thought he was going to cry or something. Not trying to sound noble, but I think we should show more respect for him. Anyway it was ultra funny.

Some people came in late, so they poked their heads through the old Auditorium door. Peter Tan asked them to come in, and all of us started clapping and cheering. After that Peter Tan said 'This isn't the proper reaction'. And the express people started boo-ing, so we followed. Quite funny. Really. The SR talk was very boring, and it's not like any of us will be taking it.

So the singing competition was at the CPA after the SR talk. So we thought it was going to be some boring crap. I was fiddling with a rubiks cube with Gabriel advising me. Quite ok, until this Jonathan guy came up and sang that song. It's like high pitched, and his singing matched it almost perfectly. Usually when a guy sings high-pitch songs, it would be falsetto or something. But if you closed your eyes when he was singing, it would be hard to imagine it was a guy. Anyway he didn't win, and I've only learnt how to solve the first layer. Thanks to Gabriel and Samuel anyway.

After school I went to run with Nic and Leon again, did 6 rounds again. Leon wanted to run 6km in preparation for his marathon, but he gave up after 4.

That's about it for today. I think I want to get a rubiks cube to fiddle with some more.