
Ah as expected i didnt receive any merry christmas smses. not that i sent any in the first place.

Im gonna post about Shanghai later.

For now i shall do other stuff.



Im still not in the mood to make long posts (its 5 days worth come on... and all the pics...). Gonna go waste my time dotaing later. Anyone want to dota wif me? Nah by the time anyone reads this...

I will PROBABLY put the shanghai post up tmr. Maybe its a waste of time but oh well.

yay excluding the cbox THREE people wished me merry christmas. Thats ALOT isnt it? (Considering how others have their hps jammed at midnight huh.)

I think i had more last year. Pui.

3 hrs to end of the first day of chirstmas. 11 days to go. Oh well. Its actually just the first day that counts.

I wanted to make some chirstmas origamis. They look really nice. But then its pointless.

There just deleted the folder.

Neh. There isnt really a point in making everyone else moody is there?

Ok from the next post onwards i will TRY to keep it TRCT style.


P.S. I realised that the last 13 posts including this are by ReZ. Dude where are the other 2...

P.P.S I still dont support emoism. Quezzy dont even think about it.

P.P.P.S Guineimon sent me this sms.
With 4 hours left,
Till christmas end,
Forgotten till next,
The shoppers wrath,
In hearty cheer i raise my hand,
To wish you peace and a merry cheesecake day.

Random, but i like it. =)