Yeaup today concludes the end of the first day of training for SYFOC at Singapore Indoor Stadium.

I can say that the feel there is very very VERY different from that in HTA or NCC HQ.

Im not gonna elaborate on everything but some interesting things that happened.

1) The security guards tried to stop David and me from leaving sch. They tot we were gonna pon school lol

2) When we told the taxi driver to go to Home Team Academy he was like "Home Team? You all how old only. I am from Home Team ok. Hard to believe right?" I was like "uhhhh..." lol.

3) YOU KNOW HOW COOL ISIT WHEN WE THE GOH MARCH IN THE SIS AND SEE LIKE TEN CONTINGENTS WAITING FOR US WHOOOOOOO. That includes yours Ze Loo =). Oh yea i saw Girls Brigade, Boys Brigade, Red Cross and St Johns, but i couldnt really see the rest lol. Including NPCC Supporting Con. All hiding behind lol.

4) When we were gonna go home, all of us were changing in the toilet, and even though our group isnt THAT bonded, a few prominent ones are and when they come together, its enough to start everything.

Some guy: Eh SI (the sec 4 timer, probably the most famous guy in our squad lol), do we tuck in or tuck out.

SI: Aiya just tuck in and suck up abit then later CI not looking then tuck out la

Some guy: Ohhhhh SI. I see your true colours.

SI: Eh you racist ar. Just because im malay.

Everyone: I see your true colours... shining through. I see your true...

SI: Eh diam la. Those who sing knock it down

Some guy: YES SIR!!!

SI: Those who never sing also knock it down

Some guy: 1 sir, 2 sir, 3 sir, 4 sir (without doing anything)

Yea and so on. It was retarded.

5) Quite a number of us were going home from SIS instead of taking bus back to HTA. One CI went wif us and most of us knew kallang is the nearest MRT station but no one knew how to go. The CI said she was going to Kallang MRT station so we followed her, and WALKED HALF AN HOUR PAST LIKE 7 BUS STOPS TO REACH THE MRT STATION -.-.

Yea thats all for SYFOC today =). I get to pon sch from tmr thurs and fri for this too =).


Yay QUIZ!!!

1. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Erm i dunno. It goes by category i guess. theres crazy food combis, theres stupid dares and oh yes who can forget playing cards in JL right charles? =) GOOD SCHOOLS!!!

2. Who is the person you trust the most?
Erm i dunno. Usually i trust everyone unless i see that they arent trustworthy lol.

3. Have you been faithful to whatever you believed in?
Well i have been faithful to my faith lol. To be honest there are times where i would stumble and wonder if it is all true? How do i know that there really is a God out there who loves me. I do question myself this alot of times before actually, usually when im feeling kinda down and stuff but i always remember the feeling i have when i am with God, like how when i first went DI and Si'Er gave that talk, the feeling was really special and yes. Sometimes things might pull us away from faith but always rmb the good times. This applies not only to faith in God but faith towards many other things as well =).

4. Who is the person that you confide in?
It would be God but if you mean PERSON then i guess it really depends on what the issue is i guess.

5. Are you satisfied with yourself?
There are many things that arent right in my life, many which are going very wrong (STEEL WALLS RAWR) but i have learnt to be satisfied with what i already have because what i already have is ALOT. Its just not perfect and really, we should always seek for excellence NOT perfection.

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Erm, i cant say theres something i am afraid to lose the most but yea.

7. Do you believe in eternal love?
Define eternal. If it means until die then yes why not? But anything else after death, heaven is a place i cannot define at this moment but i believe there will be eternal love there too =).

8. Have you broken someone's heart that (s)he tried to commit suicide?

9. What do you like about yourself?
Everyone keeps saying they hate themselves but HELLO? Start thinking of what GOOD stuff you have. I like ALOT of things about myself and i dislike some. The stuff that keeps me from perfection but HELLO LIKE I SAID DONT STRIVE FOR PERFECTION STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE. Perfection is something that only God can achieve i guess.

10. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
Glue, tape, nails, bolt anything to pin one half to the other... ok sorry i couldnt help that hehe. Erm i dunno actually lol.

11. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
I guess i dont show it sometimes but yes i do. Alot.

12. Do you treasure your family?
Same as above actually.

13. What do you dislike the most?
Erm... again i cant say theres something i dislike the MOST but yea... its all the same few things i guess...

14. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
Everyone? Erm you get what i mean right?

15. What do you regret most in life?
Ahh regrets. I was just thinking about it this morning (STEEL WALLS GRRR) and i was thinking i didnt want to live 10 years later and one day 10 years later i think about it and start to wonder what happened. Regret. Its something you dont want to when you look back on your life but i guess there will always be some but try to keep them low in numbers lol. Oops i went out of point but yea. Not really any major regrets at the moment i guess but if i dont try to do something about something now i might in the future. Sheesh.

16. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friend's eye?
Perfe...Excellent!!! Ahhahaha. Lol jkjk. Erm i just hope ppl understand that i will always do my best, not try, DO, to help anyone whenever they need help. But my nature doesnt show it that way huh lol.

17. Do you love your friends?
You think?

18. Which date do you like the most?
LOVE EVERYDAY!!! Again no specific date i guess. The best things can happen on seemingly normal days.

19.If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
ITS CALLED STEEL WALLS RAWR. And if i get bonuses i add in other stuff too!!! Ambiguous huh. Try to get more info from me if u can =). (You probably cant)

20. If you could travel in time and return to a phase of your life, which phase would it be and why?
People say primary school, people say primary 4 coz its the beginning, people say primary 6 coz its the best year for them, i said primary 5 for my own reasons =).

21. If there's one thing you'd do now, what would it be?
One thing as in if i had all the power to do it or if as normal now. Erm erm erm about the same for both actually. Shhhhhhhh...

Ok im not gonna tag ppl to do the quiz do it if u want to =). And ur supposed to swap one question with one of your own but im not gonna do that just let u all do by urself =).


Yea thats about it for today's post. And to conclude the post we have this super funny (in my opinion) joke!!!

A biologist assigned to work in deepest Africa hired a guide to take him upriver to the remote site where he would do his study. As they were making their way into the jungle, the scientist heard the sound of drums.
"What is that drumming?" he asked his guide nervously.
The guide replied, "Drums OK, but very bad when they stop."
The drumming continued for two weeks while the biologist conducted his fieldwork. Finally, on the last day, the drums suddenly stopped, and the forest fell eerily silent. Alarmed, the scientist called out, "The drums have stopped! What happens now?"
The guide crouched down, covered his head with his hands and with despair in his voice, answered, "Bass solo."


God bless and nite!!!