
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Portal_standalonebox.jpgOk I had this game like since super long ago but I never played it. Like I played until test chamber less than 10 then I stopped playing. So recently coz I was really bored of Dota pub over and over again I went to play Portal.

I dont play half life and stuff like that so to me, portal is creepy!!


Haha nvm I think it wont bother most ppl at all its quite a funny game with dark humour and stuff.

For those who have no idea what portal is, portal trailer!!

Haha its damn cool and amusing trailer.

"If at first you do not succeed, you fail".

Theres alot more stuff like that in the game xD.

Haha kk shant spoil the game for ppl who want to play even though I already did for many people but heck those ppl didnt mind.

Anyway, only Portal players get it.



Haha. Playing portal reminded me of Portal flash which reminded me of Platform the game. Two interesting flash games that can entertain anyone for maybe a day haha I think they are really good for these kind of free online mini games haha. Go try it. Completed both before and completed Portal again le. Will play through Platform another time haha. Good entertainment considering the holidays can be quite a bore.



Haha yups.

So anyway, to end this, the end credits song for portal!! Still Alive!! Honestly it sounds 'kiddy' at first but I srsly think the song is nice. The melody is soothing and all, and portal players will see the imba meaning in the lyrics haha. Though non portal players will be quite 'wth dun understand' the lyrics. In sync with what GlaDoS says throughout the game haha. Its like some good nice sentence and then sudden change with one lol statement.

Maybe you'll find someone else to help you,
Maybe Black Mesa.

Lolololol. If you didnt know, Black Mesa and Aperture Science are rival companies in the Half Life Universe.

Bye bye =).