Jehovah -Jireh

I had much to say, but I guess at the end of the day, who am I to judge? Especially in light of all that God has willingly done for me even though I was undeserving, why then should I despise others and break the unity in the body of Christ? Kinda reminds me of the story of the servant whom the master forgave all his debts but then he went on to take back the money another servant owed him. Its quite the same actually.

Grace. The grace of God. Saving grace.


Whatever it may be. God, even if I have to do everything by myself, I will do it. In your name for your glory's sake. Not for men but for you who sits upon the throne. Thank you Lord, and even as I rush this last part, continue to grant me grace and perseverance as you have been doing and I know that you are my provider, that you are always there for me, you will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you Lord.