The Case For A Creator

In all honestly the main reason why I picked up this book is because I OCD-ed and felt the need to complete the series LOL.

Haha, coupled with the fact that it was right there staring at my face saying 'im here borrow me!!'

So yep. Borrowed this book from the Primers room and have been reading it since. I've toned down significantly on apologetics already and I thought something mentioned in this book helps to put what I felt into words.

Science and Christianity ultimately have two different purposes. The reason why they come in conflict is because Christianity claims certain facts, but otherwise the whole point of Christianity isnt about proving this and that.

Hence I have chosen to read the other stuff such as the 'What so amazing about grace' book rather than apologetics because somewhere along the way I found out that apologetics dont make me in anyway a 'better' Christian in that sense of the word.

Nevertheless, I think apologetics is rather important and we all ought to have at least a basic grasp of it.

Anyway, thats not what this post about. This post is more about LOLWHUTing at the book.

Haha I swear, TOK in school, learning all the stuff, then complex numbers in HL math, then I pick up this book and they attack me with IB stuff.


I lol'ed when I saw imaginary numbers ok.

Not only that, they quote the philosophers. Socrates, Descartes, and even Nietzsche. COME ON WHY IS THERE 'I THINK THEREFORE I AM' IN THE BOOK!!

Haha seriously.

Also, I swear I didnt not understand the last part of chapter 5, too cheem for me =p.

Haha thats why im not a science student I guess. This book is quite heavy on the sciences. The other two didnt touch them, well The Case For Christ abit maybe but hello, it doesnt go into all that DNA and stuff.

Haha anyway im only 5 chapters through still more than halfway to go and im taking my time coz alot of work to do seriously =/.

Anyway, I scanned through the book and I was actually surprised to find one of my questions popping up in there under the physics section. I havnt read what they said about it but its like, cool haha its there.

Also, the cosmology one I had one question all the way then near the end it came out lol so nice of them =).

Haha lets see what the rest of the book says. But honestly, I think if I didnt get the final part of cosmology with all the complex numbers and stuff, im not going to understand the entire of that molecular biology chapter =p.