
Woah, im really physically drained. Im telling myself right now I need to sleep early tonight again but of course I said that the past few nights as well =/.

Anyway, epic quote of today by our beloved principal.

"I do not want any of you to take revenge. Vengeance is mine......says the Lord."
- Drong when speaking to the school about the rugby incident.

Haha it was super funny la!! There was like a pause before he said the second part lololol. Probably unintentional cause the second time he said that phrase he said it quickly in one shot =p.

On another note, I must learn from Drong the ultimate skills of going round and round in circles implying something but never explicitly stating the point. And its impossible to quote him for that cause everything in the speech must be taken in context of everything else in the rest of the speech. Pure skills there =D.

Haha oh well. Anyway I spent the bus ride home today reading Ecclesiastics and I have to say that its really quite deep. Its funny, how thousands of years later, I can relate to the words written. Some things I have already considered in my personal philosophy in life, some things opened my eyes.

I find interesting. The balance between how everything is meaningless and living to the fullest for God, how we can enjoy life and honour God living in a physical world devoid of any real purposes as far as the routine of life is concerned.

Heh. If you dont get what im talking about, read it. Isnt it true? Like my life now. Routine. It gets really meaningless. But yet, we can find meaning in it.

Mmm. Anyway those are my thoughts swimming in my head that are not exactly very well represented here so whatever, think for yourselves =p.

Rawr. I have been making some simple posters. Not enough time to Dota so did some other stuffs instead. Made 3 so far haha, add that to the two I did forever ago. Go facebook to see them if you want and comment =).

Of course, I have been koping pictures and doing minor edits and just adding fonts. I'll try using my own pics as well as make my own with paint.net soon. Or gimp if I can figure out how to use it =p.

Yup thats about it. Bye =).