We are wonderful people arent we?

Well it was interesting news when I read it this morning in the newspapers.

Heard more about in school.

But thanks guys for the facebook group. I mean yea, when I saw the title I lol'ed because it was that ironic but reading on, seriously guys, dont you all have better things to do?

Look, some people are angry. Give them time to chill ok? Invading a group would be funny like how we invaded the IB girls group but it certainly isnt when the people who created it created with a serious intention, whether justified or not.

So seriously. Congrats ACSI for winning the B Div tournament. Now how about laying off some slack and let it go?

Just because you dont punch someone in the face but demolish them with words instead even if you are 'right' doesnt make you any better.

Sure I personally think that SOME of them have alot of biasness in what they say too, but yea ok great so tell me, how has your words and arguments contributed in any way to the situation at hand?


But its alright. Its just them right? We're wayyyyy more superior then them. See, we beat them in rugby, we beat them in intellectual words as well!! Woah did you see us throw those TOK terms at them? They couldn't refute us you know!!

Other than those two great achievements which are of no doubt of immeasurable importance int he contribution to the history of mankind, we also completely surpassed them in pride and ungrace!!

Have I ever been so proud to be part of this school founded with the intention of being a light of the world!! This school which totally, totally advocates the doctrine of 'love your enemies' by putting them down with mockery, making them hate us more!!

Oh dear. Im sorry did I say something wrong? Oh, we are entitled to do all that because we were morally right is that it? Oh, we never actually stated anything untrue, but were just refuting all their points?

Oh yes yes yes thats true. We certainly dont punch people, just cut them up and tear them down with our words, no physical violence involved!! Haha see, we didnt break the law!!

Oh, they started it? Ah yes. And it is only righteous if we fought back and beat the crap out of them isit it. Of course we dont actually 'beat' them you see, like I've mentioned, we arent such people.

Great huh, arent we just great examples to follow?

I should try this myself. Hey ACSian!! You who made epic comments on the facebook wall that totally demolished the Saints!!

You are a disgrace. You have so much wit, so much knowledge, and you chose to use it to make a mockery of others. Utterly, pathetic.

Forgive me for that.

You know, sadly, its something inbuilt into our culture. We tend to be, very malicious people. I have picked up that trait myself, finely tuned insults and sarcasm. Thats who we are here at AC huh?

Thanks for making the world a better place.