
Haha I was walking home today when I just randomly thought of types of humour. It kinda spawned from the fact that people like me think the double rainbow song is pretty epic stuffs while people can look at it with the 'wtshit' face wondering how in the world people can find it funny and stuff like that.

So I did a search!!

Here are some of the many I found =p.


Anecdotes: any interesting event, either having to do with a celebrity or something smaller, that helps the humorist make a point. Anecdotes are great for the speaker and writer.

Banter: good-natured teasing back and forth; exchange of witty remarks.

Blue Humor: not appropriate for the public speaker. Humor based on easily offensive subjects like making love, body parts, and bodily functions.

Bull: a humorous statement that is based on an outrageous contradiction. Ex: "The best people have never had kids."

The Catch Tale: a funny story that messes up the reader or listener by implying an awful ending but then stopping with a small declaration.

Conundrum: a word puzzle that can’t be solved because the answer is a pun. Ex: why do cows wear bells? Their horns don’t work.

Epigram: clever, short saying about a general group. Mostly satire about mankind. Two types, wordplay and thought play.

Exaggerism: an exaggerated witticism that overstates the features, defects, or the strangeness of someone or something.

Irony: a leading part of humor. Irony is using words to express something completely different from the literal meaning. Usually, someone says the opposite of what they mean and the listener believes the opposite of what they said.

Nonsensism: inclusive of the epigram and the wisecrack, it is any kind of funny nonsense in speaking form. Nonsensism includes all kinds of absurdity without realistic logic and makes a general observation of absurd reference.

Parody: humorous version of any well-known writing. Ex: Weird Al Yankovic’s "Pretty Fly for a Rabbi".

Repartee: includes clever replies and retorts. The most common form is the insult.

Satire: wit that is critical humor. Satire is sarcasm that makes fun of something.

Switching: a common form of switching is changing the main parts of the story, such as the setup or the punch line, and creating a new joke.

Wit: humor, irony, sarcasm, satire, repartee. Wit is funny because of the sudden sharpness and quick perception. Wit can bite. Verbal wit is a type of humor known as Wordplay.


Well these are the more applicable ones, in the sense that if I were to survey maybe fifty people, all the above options will have been picked at least once as the type of humour used by the person.

I enjoy rougly 1/2 of the humour types up there, make a guess which ones I do and which ones I dont =).

Its not a comprehensive list though, but im lazy to add to it haha. Things like meme, would they be a branch of humour themselves or fall under some catergories?
