Hist dean's list!!


So that picture is completely unrelated. Heh.


Yes, oh gosh. History dean's list haha. Two hours of awesome.

Mainly because it had psychology and sociology aspects to it. For today and tomorrow, we are learning about history theories, and since they are theories about history itself, they obviously can't come from history, so they come from other aspects of human sciences. So cool right.

And we had all the tok stuff about knowledge and power all those lol. The titan was teaching today. Tomorrow different, then wed titan again haha, thurs field trip.

There was theories about what exactly is history, then there were theories on how why nations go to war, with ours focusing on Kenneth Waltz's theory. Before that we had to try to think of our own and I did with my group one related to scarcity for the heck of it and so because its quite true, and after our explanations and all, the titan pointed out that it was similar to Marxism.

Im a communist oh noes!!

Haha actually I think I do slide towards that direction. I always thought communism as an idea is pretty awesome but sucks shit in real life application due to human selfish desires lol.


Music is awesome. There is great power in music. Songs can revolutionize our lives.

Im not sure how many people agree with me, but I do feel that songs have shaped my life in many ways.

Thats just a random musing though haha. Coz I was listening to Chris Tomlin and I realised that many of the songs did have an impact on me and shape my life one way or another.

Haha ah well
