Still standing here

Lethargy's still getting me. I had another nap just now and here I am back on my dad's laptop. My bro still using his so I cant do much of my other stuff.

So im done reading all the blogs that I havnt been reading and looking through all the Inside Out photos and the Korea ones that are uploaded.

Its quite, a strange feeling.

Reading about some of the reflections people put up about the camp, I realise that I dont have much to say. It just is. And that is frankly quite a sad thing really. A part of me feels the incompleteness of the experience and holds on waiting to see the conclusion that would never arrive, another part of me feels like nothing has happened, and all has been as a dream. There is no middle ground.

The Korea trip too ended quickly. I had slept through most of the last day due to sleeping late the previous night and before I knew it, I was home.

It seems that my mind is now unable to process all that has had happened in the past ten days and it might as well all be for nothing. A vortex in time where nothing has existed. I can scarcely remember anything that has happened. Photographs are foreign to me. It will all be but a forgotten memory.

I need to find my footing back in where I am supposed to be again, for as of right now, the world is unreal and life is but an abstract mess.
