1am musings

Just a thought, is IB overkill, or is it the school and the expectations that is overkill?

Yes IB is tougher than other courses thats for sure, but we're right at the very top, and that comes with great costs. Is this why we produced as good as half the number of perfect pointers around the world for the november paper last year? This is the cost of it?

Just seeing so many people not sleeping at all makes me very much concerned. This considering that I take one of the more relaxed subject combinations around (the math actually takes up more time than my other four subjects combined). What are we doing?

Frankly its not worth it. I wish I had the courage to just defy expectations but I find myself constantly striving to be above the average amongst the cream of the crop.


It seems that bloggers are a dying breed. Nowadays everyone is moving away from it, and this not just restricted to the busy people with busy lives but just in general.

More people seem to be moving towards tumblr, tweeter and facebook, which are in that sense realms of microblogging. Yes I know facebook isnt exactly blogging, but the idea is there.

Im frankly not much of a fan of tumblr. Too many people it seems merely go to other random tumblr blogs, repost and repost, maybe add one line of a comment and thats it. I dont find much worth in that. Yes, good quotes come by, but I dont see any genuine thought processes put into it.

I dont think we should stop blogging. We need to reflect upon our lives constantly, and for me, I type it all out. I dont particularly find facebook, tweeter and tumblr good mediums for such reflection.


Am I the only one who feels bad when I half kill an insect?

I dont know man, when I kill insects, I try to take them out in one hit. I feel bad if I hit it once, and it doesnt die and instead just writhes over there.

Actually, whats the difference between half killing insects and abusing other animals? Whats the reason to stop animal abuse, because animals feel pain and stuff as well right? Well, insects do too dont they. Yes you dont need to kill a cat and you need to kill insects granted, but then in that case whenever possible we shouldnt let them suffer right?


Poisson distribution kthxbai.
