You my God, are Greater still

Give me eyes to see
More of who You are
May what I behold
Still my anxious heart

Take what I have known
And break it all apart
You my God are greater still

No sky contains
No doubt restrains
All You are
The greatness of our God

I spend my life to know
And I'm far from close
To all You are
The greatness of our God

Give me grace to see
Beyond this moment here
To believe that there

Is nothing left to fear
That You alone are high above it all
You my God are greater still

And there is nothing
That can ever separate us
There is nothing that can ever

Separate if from Your love
No life no death of this I am convinced
You my God are greater still


I really love this album haha. This, and Chris Tomlin's 'and if our God is for us'. I wished I had these two albums man haha. Been wanting to get them for super long, like since last year for both lol.

Hmm, my birthday is coming in slightly over two months guys. HINT HINT =D.

Anyway, went to some Japanese buffet restaurant for dinner today. Shin Minori. Would compliment it since its food is pretty good and it does have a wide range of stuff, haha love freeflow sashima and all, but aside from its huge price tag, its really sad that the service just doesnt match up to the quality of food. It could have been great, but the poor service really ruined the entire experience. Oh well haha.


Doing the work of God makes me feel alive.

This overwhelming avalanche of work that comes my way, its nothing really. As I stand here, I am convinced, that there is nothing more important in doing what I do, and all these IAs, math port, TOK, they really arent important. A pretty big claim to make, but one of which I am absolutely convicted of.

And the things of Earth, will grow strangely dim. In the light of His glory and grace.

Its really tiring, hours spent, minds getting messed up, somethings the frustrations welling up, difficulties in some issues. It just kills us sometimes, messes up our minds with all of the things that are to come right before us. Yet, its all worth it.

It excites me. It really does, to the point where I was just sitting, talking to a fellow friend about it, and it just made me feel so emotional, as if ready to shed tears (of which I do not often do so).

I am seeing before me, lives that will be touched, lives that will forever be changed. I believe it will be so, I know it will come to pass. And the sheer immensity of that thought, its intense.

And it is because of that really that I choose to go in faith. Some people think that it may be ridiculous, not too smart an idea for a year 6 student in IB, but frankly speaking, IB doesnt matter. Not one bit in comparison to all that is before me.

I know He honours those who honour him, but it is no longer even by that principle in which I work. Even if I do not get returns, I want to do it all the same, for it compels my heart and I will live in regret all my life should I not seize the kairos moment before me and make a difference.

It makes me feel sad that my first would also be my last. I wish I had seized previous opportunities that came my way, but instead I had let time drift by as I decided that there were other things that were more important than this. Now time is slipping away, I have one last shot, and I know it is a shot that will count.

Nothing matters more to me right now.
