Do you see it?

Its hard. It really is. And its a long arduous journey. I wouldnt even know it was two and a half years if it wasnt spoken to me. Its been that long. And it still goes on.

Like the picture above, it still looks forever away. The skies permanently remain cloudy and though I walk alongside the patches of beautiful green grasslands, the menacing storm looms threateningly above me, and now and then, the deafening sound of thunder will rip across the skies and the flashes of lightning will strike forcefully.

But, take a look at that picture carefully, squint your eyes, and you will see the cross in the distance. Yes its the power transmitter thing I know, but I'd like to think of it as the cross. And the cross will be where I fix my eyes upon.

I'd have a story to tell perhaps ten years down the road. The greatest untold story of my life. But not now. Now I have a race to run, a battle to fight.
