

So I was in school today, happily walking towards the astroturf benches, walking the familiar path I use to get to the parade ground everyday, walking that same old path I have walked for six years, stepping the same old drain I have been stepping over for the past six years, except that today I stepped into it instead of stepping over it.

Funfact: There are more nerve receptors on the surface of your skin than deeper in, hence skin scratches are more painful then deep cuts.

Ah yes. I fell into the drain, like my whole person, thank goodness I didn't get a sprain, both my legs were in the drain, and I was stunned for awhile, a couple of BB primers juniors were in the SAC staring at me, I smiled, stepped out of the drain, gave them a half embarrassed salute and walked on. Ten steps later, I kinda realised that my left leg had a stinging pain because of all the scratches I have gotten, unlike my right leg which seems pretty woah what the hell.

Ah yes. I have painted my socks red. My blue socks mind you. My shoe has some red splatter designs as well, I wonder if I can still wear those to the IB papers.

So I took a nice walk to the benches, greeting by a wide-eyed wk who later brought me to the matron, where along the way I met JW who told me IB is not worth committing suicide over, heard about wk's bad experience with the matron and hypnosis, met HSL who stared at my foot for about five whole seconds, and it was generally a rather interesting experience.

I hope I dont need stiches. Its funny though, I havnt gotten injured in a long time. Which is cool, we shouldn't live our lives so afraid of pain and injury that we end up not doing anything.

Not that walking into a drain is something in my to do list.
