
Simply the most physically and emotionally draining camp I have been to in my entire life.

Math port has officially fallen to the second place for things that made me sleep deprived. I thought I wouldn't have such things anymore with IB over but hey, five and a half hours of sleep over three and a half days. Thats a new record. My back felt increasingly sore over the camp until the last night I couldn't really stand up straight. My legs were wobbly, and they still are a little right now.

Emotionally, the stolen camera pales in comparison to some other experiences in this camp. There were calls for paradigm shifts in the way I choose to live my life. In that sense, it is good I suppose. It confronts me with things that I cannot escape from and need to face it right here and now.

These things aren't that important by themselves though, the most important thing is the spiritual state of things and how these have affected it, how it has changed from before the camp and how things will be from here onwards. I can't give a clear answer to that right now. My mind's too unresponsive at the moment and perhaps when I will run through this again after I recover my lost sleep.

On the bright side, I lost 1.5kg.
