Understanding also grows at 5cm/s

It seems that I'm always discovering a little bit more and more about the film. Just went to read some fan forums on it and they discussed at length about part 3, the part which is most misunderstood, and found out a good amount of stuff on it. The flashbacks happen so fast that I never really noticed the little bits in it, but these guys paused every frame and revealed so much in those frames that was truly beautiful :').

Gonna rewatch it again soon (for the umpteen time heh), this time finally in full HD. No film has ever been able to express so much in so little.

There's a novel too heh, gonna read that, novels will reveal even more little bits and pieces never noticed before. I doubt its beauty compared to the film too though, after all the visuals and emotions conveyed in wordless expressions are what makes the film just so beautiful.


Woah, the novel describes alot of little things in various scenes I never noticed before, and brought clear explanations to some events. Like I predicted though, the words cannot compare with the immense beauty in the film.


I think 5cm/s is the only film, no the only thing in my entire life, that I have ever given a 10/10 to.


I like the comments section in 5cm/s related videos. In the crazy world of youtube comments full of trolls and memes, the 5cm/s comments are both heartwarming and poignant. Sure it has its share of comedy as well, but that adds to it really, and maybe I just feel so at home with the people there, a mixture of living, pondering and laughing.
