
It's been a rather emotionally charged (charged and challenging are different) weekend for me, and now its about time to book in.

After one year as a solider, I find that I still have difficulty reconciling my civilian life and soldier life. This despite the fact that on good days I generally just have a good amount of free time to do my own things and can leave early to meet friends or come home, which really ought to blur the difference. Now with much still tangled up in my mind, I find that I don't really want to go back (especially with all the outfield this week) because it feels like I'm not paying attention to these other things which are more important to me.

Not that any resolving can be done, but perhaps I need my quiet and comfortable place to just feel it, instead of being tossed into the vortex of in camp life, forced to focus on the tasks I have to accomplish but constantly distracted by all that will keep sticking at the back of my mind.

Heres to a couple of intense weeks, pro term has entered into full swing and truth be told I don't feel inspired to lead and to teach. I'm tired, I feel like I need to take a long break to find myself but there's not going to be any such opportunity.
