When one is born and bred in Singapore, it has become commonplace to label this sunny island as “hothumidcrowdedstressfulexpensiveboring”. We seem to be perpetually dissatisfied with what we see before us, trapped in this whirlwind of negative narratives. SELAH was birthed in the hope that this very discontentment could actually be the start of a search for narratives of faith, of light, of grace. 
Our lives, like balls of yarn, unravel into stories when we interweave with people and places, conversations and conflict. We believe that these knits – crafted from the bitter and sweet that is life – have the potential to inspire and build the Singaporean body of Christ. 
In the throes of frantic Singaporean living, we hope that these stories will impel you to pause, reflect and hopefully find God in the unlikeliest of tales and places. May you come across a stranger’s story that resonates so powerfully within you, causing you to realise that you were never alone in your struggles. May you realise that your body is an instrument, precisely cut and designed for something bigger than a solo jam – you were made for an orchestra. May you not stop just to ‘see lah’, but instead re-align your heart and actions more closely to the master tuner Himself. Such that with each passing day, we find ourselves more and more in tune with each other, making soulful music.
Was reading stuff and chanced upon this site, I think I did chance upon it previously shortly after it first came out and there were barely any articles but the site has since grown.

There's a bunch of good articles, a number of which do resonate with me. I like the site for its rawness, in talking about things that we sometimes don't talk about, and bringing it all back in perspective. We should talk about them really, because when we don't then Christians are going to look elsewhere for answers. I know I got here from google, and was pleasantly surprised.

There are things that sometimes feel inappropriate to talk about. Perhaps because we think they aren't edifying. Perhaps because our pride keeps us from admitting that we still are broken in some ways. Perhaps because we don't want others to think less of us, but rather we want to look like we have it all under control. I do feel that way, and reading some of these experiences that people struggle with and how it all ties back to God at the end of the day is actually rather therapeutic.

It is well.
