Spoilers alert again, but once again I'm not going to try to be discreet about it because I don't actually recommend it heh.

So this has been on webtoon for awhile, never read it, but it was one of the big popular ones like TOG was.

Watched the anime, finished it. It was kind of a weird one. The plot really didn't make sense. I think the original plot is already only so-so but they further butchered it like mad to squeeze all the content in 13 episodes, so the last few episodes were just a flurry of actions and you're just like what is going on...

The fights were really well animated though, and I thought it was really interesting because they used motion capture and real life martial arts.

Anyway ya I wasn't really planning to write anything about this. It didn't leave enough of an impression. It was enough to make me want to read the manga though, so I've been doing that bit by bit since the anime ended.

Why I'm writing this is because I read the manga. Not caught up fully, but enough.

I went into it knowing that people said it gets into dragon ball levels of power creep. That's not a complement, it just means the power scaling gets ridiculously stupid.

But oh my goodness.

I think it's absolutely hilarious that this manga that started off as a martial arts tournament thing became SUN WU KONG VS SATAN.

This is not a manga you can take seriously. I was like IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING? WHERE'S JESUS IS HE COMING?

I am literally in disbelief that I just read a manga which involved sun wu kong and satan tossing planets at one another.

Also, the name of this manga is wrong. There is no high school to speak of.

Okay that's all I wanted to say.


Update: Caught up to the latest chapter. Gotta say, while there are a bunch of things I didn't like about the story, this final reveal with Mujin where all the pieces of the puzzle are finally complete is really satisfying.

Throughout the manga there are a bunch of things that didn't make sense. There were characters that just felt weak storytelling wise and makes me wonder why they exist. There are important characters that I feel got shafted so hard. There are plot points that make me go uhhhh okay.

But put it this way, Mujin was introduced before the main characters even were in chapter 1. From the very first arc he was a sort of a mystery. Can't tell if he is a good or bad person. And now all the way at the very end with GOHS coming to an end soon, we finally understand Mujin. I feel like the author was very clear how Mujin's story would go, more so that even the main characters lol.

The author tried to write complex characters with complex motivations. A number of them just ended up feeling schizophrenic. I think he really nailed it for Mujin though, and I do think he is the best written character in GOHS.

Aside from Mujin, I gotta say one thing I do enjoy is that the author clearly knows how ridiculous his story is, and just rolls with it. Project wifi got me real cracked up.
