Nerd comedy

Discovered offlineTV some time ago when I started watching among us videos. Started with toast since I wanted to watch people play among us and saw a familiar name from hearthstone days. Quite cool to see that he has blown up significantly since then.

Some streamers can be really toxic but these guys are chill and fun to hang around so I can definitely see the appeal. I've also gotten to know a lot more of these streamer personalities outside of offlineTV too since among us is a 10 player game and they always need to find other personalities.

From what I know, this period where among us is really popular among streamers has been very interesting for many, to see all these personalities come together. Ryan Higa plays with them from time to time and that's really cool for me too having followed the youtube channel for more than a decade now.

So what I knew of offlineTV was the few of them who play together and their friends. There was this Michael Reeves dude who is also part of offlineTV but he doesn't play among us with them, so I never knew who he was and never bothered to find out.

Couple of days ago a friend introed me to Michael Reeves. And I have been missing out.

This is my kind of humour. Actually laughing out loud watching a youtube video heh.


On a related note, I've been noticing more of these 'comedy ads' recently. Like uncle roger videos, where he talks about the sponsor, but he talks about it very much in his style of comedy. It makes a lot of sense - it makes the sponsor segment more interesting and becomes content that people actually want to watch as opposed to just an annoying part of the video that people skip through. I know I always just skip the entire segment for some other youtube videos.
