Is it still weeb if it's not anime?

The magic that is youtube algorithms makes you discover interesting things sometimes.

First they recommend me this

Which I'm like, alright let's check this out, I like this song I think LiSA's vocals are really good and this is her best performance, would be cool.

Then I'm like wait this is really cool. This channel's description is literally

A microphone and a white studio.
And 1 rule.

You’ve got 1 TAKE.
Perform anything you like.

Show us everything you’ve got for that 1 moment.

Which is pretty cool right, it's like a live performance. And wow this really showcases LiSA's vocal capabilities.

Then I looked at their other videos and I'm like hey there are number of other notable anime songs I listen to here and ooo it's the TOG opening.

Which is quickly followed by WAIT this has to be autotuned right? I mean I always figured it was and I figured something live would sound different. This can't be the real voice. Though having seen a couple of other people sing in this series it didn't seem like anyone's was edited. Live autotune maybe? Is that allowed? Not sure. Would be crazy if it was actually their voice.

And so on and I started to find other gems! Like hey this is another LiSA song, never seen this one before and it's really popular with many views.

And very quickly I go wow this is GOOD stuff. It's not that common that I really like a song the first time I hear it.

Then I go find more uru songs, find more popular songs for this channel and yep there's lots of good stuff here. I need to create a new Spotify playlist.

Many of these aren't anime theme songs anymore. I mean, since I've always liked a number of anime theme songs it's not surprising that I would like non-anime Japanese songs too but I just never bothered to look for them I guess.

So, not a weeb if it's not anime right? Haha.

P.S. I really like that third song. There's something about how beautifully their voices complement each other.
