Look its a hidden message! =D
Hey guess what? Our class is infamous for losing class I mean kingdom keys (look at myhiddensanctuary for more details) and today this certain dude, also the owner of myhiddensanctuary, NICKY (read: Lim Charles Nicholas) decided to throw our class key into the middle of some plants. Some is an incorrect word to use. So basically, as a *shove* platoon, they marched down the stairs to the plants *shove* LCP Lam your turn to post isn't here yet... anyway these group of people including our one and only Quezzy decided to hunt for the key. Yea. They searched and searched and searched and well here is how the plants look like now.
Ok the pictures aren't very clear so you can't really see the damage done properly. The plants on the right are how those on the left are supposed to look like before the...trampling. So if the school asks us what happened, we're supposed to say "crop circles. Aliens landed today". Anyway guess who found the key in the end. Yes. Its our favorite hero Quezzy using his electromagnetic powers who found the key.
On the bright side, 3 cheers for Quezzy for finding the key!!!
Yar la. ReZ is so lucky to have teamed up with a superhero for this blog.
I've got superhero powers too! I can mysteriously remove you as a contributor to this blog! Wow!
Ok nvm about my superhero powers. Just give me my 3 cheers.