Yay finished ep 6 of 18禁不禁 Heres an EXTREMLY brief summary (i dun want to spoil):
Episode 1: The intro and stuff all about the guy and la la la la la. WARNING: NOT PG. Prolly NC16 due to sexual humor and stuff.
Episode 2: A continuation to episode 1. Still not PG but lesser lol.
Episode 3: Oh and each episode has something like a 'moral' lol. Ep 3 is about appearances and SIZES. (Note that this is NOT PG as well.) Its not really sick its just damn funny. So yea do not judge others by appearances =).
Episode 4: My fav episode so far. And finally something thats PG lol. For comparison movies like leap years is PG. Yay niceeeeee. Find out whats the theme yourself coz it becomes more apparently only towards the sweet <--- (quoted from bynes =) ) and beautiful ending.
Episode 5: PG too yay. This one is about friendship and being who you are. Fun fun fun.
Episode 6: LOL THIS EPISODE OWNS DEATH NOTE (you'll understand the reference). Wah Pei Pei got skill ah i tell you super deadly. This one is abit about love and other stuff.
Which episode is the best? 4 YAYYYY. But Bynes says 7 is the best but i havnt watched it lol. (See i start 3 days before him but hes past me -.-) Which episode is the funniest? THEY ALL ARE LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.
Oh and the OST ROCKS. I have the full OST and yea. Get them from me =).
http://ohsosublime.blogspot.com/2007/06/18-jin-bu-jin-subbing-project_03.html is the website Bynes and I got the OST and the high quality english subbed videos. They are about 350mb each but its only up to Ep 8 so far and they dont sub very fast either. I prolly only watching the rest after exams. Ep 1-8 can also be found on youtube but i rather dl it.
OH and the dl is extremly extremly irritating so i recommend u get it from bynes or me (but i only have 5 and 6 and bynes only has 5 6 7 so far). You have to torrent it or get a megaupload toolbar and dl from there so yea. So basically EVERYONE WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT!!! Yayyyyy.
Lol look at my lich 2v1 insane ai. My bro was saying i vs 2 str heros i sure cannot win lol.

Ok thats about it bye bye.
Episode 1: The intro and stuff all about the guy and la la la la la. WARNING: NOT PG. Prolly NC16 due to sexual humor and stuff.
Episode 2: A continuation to episode 1. Still not PG but lesser lol.
Episode 3: Oh and each episode has something like a 'moral' lol. Ep 3 is about appearances and SIZES. (Note that this is NOT PG as well.) Its not really sick its just damn funny. So yea do not judge others by appearances =).
Episode 4: My fav episode so far. And finally something thats PG lol. For comparison movies like leap years is PG. Yay niceeeeee. Find out whats the theme yourself coz it becomes more apparently only towards the sweet <--- (quoted from bynes =) ) and beautiful ending.
Episode 5: PG too yay. This one is about friendship and being who you are. Fun fun fun.
Episode 6: LOL THIS EPISODE OWNS DEATH NOTE (you'll understand the reference). Wah Pei Pei got skill ah i tell you super deadly. This one is abit about love and other stuff.
Which episode is the best? 4 YAYYYY. But Bynes says 7 is the best but i havnt watched it lol. (See i start 3 days before him but hes past me -.-) Which episode is the funniest? THEY ALL ARE LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.
Oh and the OST ROCKS. I have the full OST and yea. Get them from me =).
http://ohsosublime.blogspot.com/2007/06/18-jin-bu-jin-subbing-project_03.html is the website Bynes and I got the OST and the high quality english subbed videos. They are about 350mb each but its only up to Ep 8 so far and they dont sub very fast either. I prolly only watching the rest after exams. Ep 1-8 can also be found on youtube but i rather dl it.
OH and the dl is extremly extremly irritating so i recommend u get it from bynes or me (but i only have 5 and 6 and bynes only has 5 6 7 so far). You have to torrent it or get a megaupload toolbar and dl from there so yea. So basically EVERYONE WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT!!! Yayyyyy.
Lol look at my lich 2v1 insane ai. My bro was saying i vs 2 str heros i sure cannot win lol.

Ok thats about it bye bye.