Haha i decided that maybe i was overreacting abit over the case of the faker so yea. I deleted the post that may prove extremly insulting to whoever that person was and i apologise (sp?). Ok my bad i spent like 1 minute trying to find the spelling of that word. Bah tells you how bad my vocab is lol. So yay haha.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
One hundred years from now, it won't matter how you did on a test
Or how popular you were.
No one will care about how many hits you got in a baseball game.
It won't matter if you miss a day of your school
Or what you got for your eleventh birthday.
Your highest score on a computer game won't be remembered
Or if your family had a swimming pool.
No one will care who came in first in that one race.
It won't matter if your handwriting was messy
Or if all your artwork wasn't the best.
But, if you made life a better for just one other person
That's what will be remembered.
That's what will matter.
Oh and btw i removed the links at the side which are quite pointless lol. The end.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
One hundred years from now, it won't matter how you did on a test
Or how popular you were.
No one will care about how many hits you got in a baseball game.
It won't matter if you miss a day of your school
Or what you got for your eleventh birthday.
Your highest score on a computer game won't be remembered
Or if your family had a swimming pool.
No one will care who came in first in that one race.
It won't matter if your handwriting was messy
Or if all your artwork wasn't the best.
But, if you made life a better for just one other person
That's what will be remembered.
That's what will matter.
Oh and btw i removed the links at the side which are quite pointless lol. The end.