Special dedication to a friend. The future still holds many trials for the servants of God, yet through these trials we will grow stronger in Him and understand His power and reign. At the end of everything, we are assured of salvation; assured of triumph.
'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have overcome the world.' - Matthew 16:33
The Break of Dawn
Summer drags its final moments,
Wheat stalks sway in the distant prairies,
Wind breezes through the yellowed fields.
Painting golden, yet dreary hues.
Wafting scents of late-night blossoms,
They only linger in her memories.
Afternoon showers; refreshing rain,
Peace that washed the deepest pain.
Night falls; veiling the vermillion skies,
Moonlight glistening in each tear she cries.
Bright dawns break the darkest nights,
Restoring those in the nastiest plights.
Though at times we fail; we stop to sigh,
Time will not await our reply.
Finish the race; the prize is far from small,
For those who stand where others fall.
Hope in the Lord. Always.