Ok not just to see if Fal and Quezzy suddenly stop posting again -.-.

Lol actually i made that like 3 or 4 days ago. Looks weird over here o.o. Lol they didnt let me in to the cr8 acc so i just did this =). And then blogger lagged and i couldnt post it lol. Yea so ahha.
Hmm its almost end of term 2 already...
I still remember the times.. maybe almost 10 years ago already... when i looked out of the window there were stars shining and i could count them. And i would count and finally decide there were too many. Nowadays, theres nothing to count... Maybe thats one good thing about going to Ubin ATC. At night, the stars are shining bright... but the last time i saw it, it seemed so surreal, that it couldn't have been there because the skies have always been completely dark for the past years...
And at the end of the day, its still the same.
And maybe you expect to find something else random here that you don't understand but no lets end the post with a bright thought. SMILLLEEEEYYY FACCEEEEE =). Ok that was just random.
Ok not just to see if Fal and Quezzy suddenly stop posting again -.-.

Lol actually i made that like 3 or 4 days ago. Looks weird over here o.o. Lol they didnt let me in to the cr8 acc so i just did this =). And then blogger lagged and i couldnt post it lol. Yea so ahha.
Hmm its almost end of term 2 already...
I still remember the times.. maybe almost 10 years ago already... when i looked out of the window there were stars shining and i could count them. And i would count and finally decide there were too many. Nowadays, theres nothing to count... Maybe thats one good thing about going to Ubin ATC. At night, the stars are shining bright... but the last time i saw it, it seemed so surreal, that it couldn't have been there because the skies have always been completely dark for the past years...
And at the end of the day, its still the same.
And maybe you expect to find something else random here that you don't understand but no lets end the post with a bright thought. SMILLLEEEEYYY FACCEEEEE =). Ok that was just random.