And guess what
The post is not up. (As of 5:15 It still isnt but SYFOC is.) (OFFICALLY UP on 6:45 WOOT!!!)
Ok sry la I TRY to have it up soon la ok. The photos are still in my hp why is every single person suddenly asking me for photos. I go talk to bynes on Msn and he was like PHOTOSSS. and then i got to kll, charles, sm blog all mention about me sending photos lol. 3.2megapixel FOREVER WHOOOOOOO!!!~~~
Right. So erm. I will add in the real post below that three line thingy i always use yea. But i will update my syfoc post first u see so yea... erm... erm... I try to have it up by tonight heh... oops sry la.
Yup so bb. The whole chunk will appear down there SOON
Ok my wire just spoiled im going crazy spending hours blogging because i had to get my SYFOC and 28th june done rawwrrrggggghhhh. Ok ok so my wire just SPOILED and i cant transfer files so i'm currently using TWO adapters, one to turn my memory stick micro into a memory stick and on to make it usuable with the com -.-. Ok whatever. Rawrrrr.
Ok ok ok im gonna post this first as an update to tell you how bad this situation currently is, i have no intention to slowly infra all my files over -.-. Ok whatever thats the final plan. Ok. Rawr.
STRESSSS (6:01. Just tried to stand up and take my lan wire (see below) and almost fainted doing that my gosh. See la all you guys fault.)
Update agian: INFRAING THE FILES ONE BY ONE WOOT!!! HUAT AR CUTE SIA!!! TOOPID NEIGHBOUR CONNECTION SO SLOW (erm i didnt say that. Ok la sorry la i forgot my own home wireless pass heh. Edit: As of 6:00, internet speed has hit 1mbps -.- LAN WIRE TIME!!! As of 6:02, internet speed is 100mbps WOOT!!!)
Update: 6:15: Just gonna show you how my desktop currently looks lol

Just look at all those picture files.
After lots of bugging from bynes and lock on msn, its all up!!! Phew. It wasnt easy infraing all those files one by one you know -.-. And then after that still must upload to flickr, youtube, mediafire. Ok so here it is!!!
Disclaimer: I erm... either didnt take on photo...or accidently deleted it while i was weeding the repeats. And i dont know which one is gone heh. Now theres only 11 left sorry? And help me identify which one is gone i hope its one that nobody likes anyway lol.
Heres the video that Lock took with my phone
And heres the one that Lock made me took with my phone and everyone seemed to want a cameo so i gave myself one too near the end =).
Youtube account here
Mediafire (Sorry but ALMOST everything is up. FIREFOX DIED AT 95%!!! ARRRGGHH. Mediafire is still not up. Edit: WOAW HUAT AR FINALLY SIA. 7:00 its up WHEEEE!!!)
Watch the videos on youtube, view the photos on flickr and dl everything wif mediafire. Yea.
And for the blur ones, click here for the link to the PREVIOUS mediafire upload, the double birthday.
Phew. I survived. So erm yea. 28th June was a really really really fun day, left house around 3 to pick Bynes up to go cell, Charles you ponner lol jkjk, then yea they had a post conference party lol. Bloopers ftw!!! And see even Bynes agrees that the people there are fun and friendly!!! See so many ppl like DI!!! So lets all go DI every sat 3.30 together yay!!! Ok whatever that was just an advert lol back to point. So yar. BYNES STOLE MY ECLAIRS. NOOOOO. (and one siew mai but i couldnt be borthered bout that) So i didnt get to eat my eclairs, which btw is what i wanted to eat the MOST. (reminds me of the movie the most) and so darn you Bynes darn you.
Afterwards my parents came and picked both of us up and we went to IMM for some FUN FUN FUN!!! Ok so mabye the fun was at JE but it STARTED at IMM so yea =). And from reading other ppl's blog, im totally glad i only reached there at about 7 and missed the confusion part =). Hi 5 bynes.
So yea we reached subway. You guys think Bynes and I are crazy and purposely want to save money so never eat but thats not true this time ok only for Pizza Hut lol. Bynes said all the crutching around strains the stomach so no appitite, he didnt eat the free food at DI either except those he kope from me and for me i ate quite abit at DI so yea. Rawr.
So basically we slacked at Subway and i was still in my post SYFOC mood and abit of POST REALize mood so dun mind all the weird things i say.
Not everyone will get that.
So after that we went to JEC and had arcade time. First was bishi bashi and i dun care the third player one is cursed. Charles and sm lasted all the way and gg together while me chua and lock played the third one and all of us couldnt oust them even though we had 3 times the tries.
I interupt this to say that my hand hurts from all the typing i've done today.
Now to continue. Erm then there was DDR which i was super off form for some reason lol. Yay for paranoia!!! And boo for bynes poking me wif his crutch causing me to break my 50 combo and miss the next 10 moves, going from full bar to 1/4.
Chua is quite good at the para para thing lol and its not just like wavy wavy liddat the dancing itself is not bad lol. (Then there was the guy who was like bboying the para para thing lol.) My daytona only slipped the first lap but wasnt ofform la. Quite impressive that day actually except for my first and last lap lol. Not bad grip so low le still can perform moderately well. I was playing advanced course btw.
We couldnt mass daytona cause it was hogged up lol.
Then there was the basketball thing which i realised i didnt pay a cent for oops. Was screwing around with it at one point doing crazy shots like bounce against the side lol. And i was taking charles balls and throwing at my court then taking my balls and throwing at his court lol.
Then sm wanted to DDR again but i ofform so i dun want 2nd round coz sure die again so charles played and lets just say he dies every round =).
Then blah blah blah and so on then we went to take the photograph thingy!!! Yay i just spoiled it by forgetting whats its called and calling it a photograph thingy. Ok whatever. Yea my first one i did quite a couple of ACSian poses but realised i wouldnt work in that enviroment so i didnt other stuff the 2nd round lol.
And some photos were obviously hot favourites but the neoprints YES THATS ITS NEOPRINTS were so small that you cant see them so THEY, NOT ME, had this bright idea to use my phone to take all the pics directly from the scrn. Its not bad actually heh. And darn where did that last photo go... So yeaup. It was really a very enjoyable day and as such i have dedicated one entire post to it even though you dont usually see me talking about events that happen in a day. Yar. Haha dont think i will forget it in a long long time.
On a more emo note, (and when i said that it just took away the entire emoness of it. I should write in itallics to make it look more emo...ahhh heck), thanks all for the wonderful day, its not something that i will forget and its not something that i treat as nothing. It does mean alot. So yeaup.
On another emo note, it gets really really...dunno how to say... when some ppl just dont understand you. Rawr. Ok yes that rawr just took away the entire emoness of that as well but heck im trying to maintain the funness of this post. After all, the post title is called fun fun fun!!!
P.S. LOCK YOU DO NOT HAVE STABLE HANDS. WHY DO SO MANY OF THOSE PICS LOOK SO WEIRD. I deleted like half of those you took -.-. Sry buts its really blur...