Ok moved the Muthu joke thingy further down post is over HERE!!!
Ok la actually abit sadded no more Tok Ru Jie Alan and Fazdriz(confirm sp but i dunno how to spell).
Yea so lets get all cracked up with the funny stuff first!!!
Introducing, the 4 ways of talking in UYOs!!!
*normal enthu voice* YES SIRR!!!!
*Extremly low voice* Yes Sirrrrrrrrr!!! (Trust me you get cracked up when you see the NP girls do that. The NCC girls just scare you when they do that)
*Screech* Yes SIRIRIRIRRRRRRR!!! (And in this instance, you get cracked up when you see the NP guys do it)
*holds forehead in pain* arrrgghhh...yes...sirrrr...
Wahhahahaha. You gotta see it to believe it. How funny and hilarious.
And we were spamming that wif FI Fazdriz (Field Instructor, those real police officers who teach the NS guys, around 30+ years old i think?) it was super funny. Then CI ALAN TOK RU JIE (Cadet Inspector. For JC, Poly or ITE one.) was like "oi you all want to do all that close the door first la. CUTE SIA".
Cute sia was used way before that and has since became the most quoted verse in the whole of NPCC SYFOC'08.
Oi there got water cooler you all queue up so much for this one for wad. Cute sia.
Tell you take out headdress means take out la who cares if under the sun. Cute sia.
You sleep liddat with the bayonet pointing at your neck. Cute sia.
And so on.
You know the 4 versions thing? Before st john version was born, it was known as the TRILOGY and then the FI was like pulling out this random girl from the squad who happened to have her bdae on that day and was like "sing her happy birthday!!!". Then "NCC STYLE", then "GIRLS BRIGADE!!!" Super funny sia. (Yes noticed i use the word sia alot now. Influence of Tok Ru Jie)
The trilogy thing also applies to the cheer
Tok Ru Jie: SYFOC!!!
Fazdriz : NCC VERSION!!!
Npcc GoH: It is my parade...ha!!!
Npcc GoH: It is my parade... haaa!!!
Everyone starts laughing like mad basically. Those 2 make a wonderful combo, especially when they start whacking each other.
Whenever Tok Ru Jie makes a lame joke, Fazdriz puts a finger on his lips and we all go
*crik crik crik crik crik* (The cricket sound you hear at night when its silent
Tok Ru Jie proceeds to put his hands up like a crow thingy and go "Ack ack ack ack ack"
And when we "crik crik crik crik crik" him back again =)
Oh then theres one part when Fazdriz was giving us instructions and Tok Ru Jie didnt get it.
Fazdriz: So *blah blah blah i forgot what* la. Can?
Npcc GoH: YES SIR!!!
Tok Ru Jie: Huh what? I dun understand? Question mark question mark question mark *waves hand on top of his head*.
Fazdriz: *Pokes Tok Ru Jie* Stupid, stupid, stupid.
That was hilarious.
Ohhhh then there was when we were all bored and waiting for the thing to start so Tok Ru Jie suggested ppl come up and sing. We all asked Tok Ru Jie to sing basically and wait pause background knowledge, for SYFOC'08, Shawn Tok, winner of Campus Superstar, sang a solo for the theme song. So back to the thing. Tok Ru Jie was like "Shawn Tok sings, Alan Tok dun sing."
And then after that we got birthday girl to sing "i'm a little teapot". Thats when the comment "FIs are supposed to be all rounders" came out. Which has significance later. Coz Fazdriz was basically teaching her how to sing the song coz she didnt know how to lol.
2nd guy, we pushed out the fattest guy, this hci guy who was obese, dunno how he got into np, into the fray. Then we tried to make him sing but he refused so Fazdriz was like "Ok dont push him into the corner later he cannot perform for the parade" then Tok Ru Jie cut in and said "No. You push him into the corner later he bounce back". SUPER FUNNY SIA.
We also had the BIG THREE of our contingent, which were Khairui (SI), Daryl (SI) and Darren (SSG). There was a big number FOUR but he wasnt so prominet (the 2nd SSG). Usually everything Tok Ru Jie will just shout this three names and tell them to settle everything lol. Then for this one time where we were supposed to teach the NPCC girls the SYFOC cheer, Tok Ru Jie was like "Ok the big three are tired lets send the forth guy out". So the guy was abit like wah lao why me liddat la. Then the fun begins.
"Ok guys... im gonna teach you"
"GUYS? HELLO? You call those GUYS? You down 10."
*proceeds to do 10 pushups while everyone was laughing*
*recovers* "Ok sry about that. So girls. This cheer basically goes like this. Someone shouts SYFOC and you guys will go..."
"GUYS AGAIN! You hopeless sia."
Damn damn damn funny.
Of course the biggest joke of the whole event, is the encik of NCC, M. Mathy. You NEVER EVER see so much jokes made out of someone. Lol we had this other FI called Kelvin then at one point Mathy walked in and said something along the lines of "Do you best alright? We are going to be the GoH remember that." He streched out his hand to Kelvin to shake it so Kelvin shook Mathy's hand. Then when Mathy turned around he was like looking at his hand with this "eeeee..." face which was super funny. Then Mathy walked out of the room and Kelvin ran to Tok Ru Jie to rub his hand on his sleeve LOL. It was SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER FUNNY SIAAAAA!!!
Now for the not so comical stuff.
I was removed to be part of the reserve team on the date of the preview. Then half hour before form up, they retrained the squad and decided that this barker guy cmi. So they drilled the four of us reserves and GUESS WHOS BACK IN!!!
Uh huh. Oh yea. Uh huh. CUTE SIA.
But the barker guy also quite sad la. Hes the only guy to not have a go at either the preview or actual or both. The other 3 reserves all went on the preview.
Yes i am very thankful to have a second chance to prove that i can make it, can be part of the GoH not the reserve though to be honest i thought i wasnt gonna go in coz i screwed up my yusot(sp again). Thank you lord. Thank you for answering my prayers. See God is good. It made me treasure my position in the GoH more. Yea. So yup. I marched and MY CAP BADGE DROPPED. Its like WTP?!?!?! But its alright. I was the back row lol. Some guys their buttons dropped lol.
Yea nothing much I guess. Hmm yea. Lol. k BB SYFOC'08 post CONCLUDES HERE.
Now to go do those photos that everyone is bugging me about -.-
> Interviewer: 'What is your birth date?'
> Muthu : '13th October.'
> Interviewer : 'Which year?'
> Muthu : 'Every year.'
> *****
> The Manager asked Muthu at an interview.....
> 'Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it?'
> Muthu replied: 'P-O-S-T-B-O-X.'
> *****
> After returning from a foreign trip, Muthu asked his wife, 'Do I look like
> a foreigner?'
> Wife: 'No! Why?'
> Muthu : 'In London , a lady asked me, 'Are you a foreigner?'... that's
> why.'
> Wife : ?????????
> *****
> A tourist from U.S.A. asked Muthu whether any great man was born in his
> village...
> Muthu said, 'No sir, only babies were born here.'
> *****
> Muthu was doing an experiment with a cockroach. First he cut off one leg
> and told it to 'WALK! WALK!'
> The cockroach walked. Then he cut off it's second leg and told the same.
> The cockroach walked.
> Then he cut off the third leg and did the same.
> Finally, he cut off its fourth leg and ordered it walk!
> But the cockroach didn't walk.
> Suddenly, Muthu said loudly, 'I found it. If we cut a cockroach's four
> legs, it becomes deaf.'
> *****
> When Muthu was travelling with his wife in a motorised tricycle, the driver
> adjusted the mirror.
> Muthu shouted, 'You are trying to see my wife, eh? Sit in the back. I will
> drive.'
> *****
> Muthu went into a hotel. To wash his hands, he went to the washbasin.
> Then when he had finished, he started washing the basin.
> Seeing this, the manager asked what was he doing.
> Muthu pointed towards the signboard
> '* WASH BASIN * '
> *****
> Interviewer : 'Just imagine you're in the 20th floor of a building and it's
> on fire. How will you escape?'
> Muthu: 'It's simple.. I will just stop my imagination.'
> *****
> *Oh... Lest I forget ............. the funniest...*
> At a political rally, Muthu was arrested. Why????????????
> Because a lady journalist with a badge which read '*PRESS*' pinned on the
> right part of her blouse walked past him... and he did it