Haha shall do jiayuin's quiz and some other stuff in further posts. This post shall be dedicated to the CDP trip and ONLY the CDP trip!! Wahhahahaha!!
And i think Hokkaido trip post is never coming up like this LOL.
And i didnt do a single bit of my hw i brought along heh.
Oh and im only posting this now when everyone else is already done coz i just woke up from a 16 hour nap =). And i still feel like i could collapse any moment. So im not gonna help out at the charity bazzar thing today meh. I think even if they didnt declare holiday i still wouldnt have gone to school.
Well srsly CDP has been the best sch overseas trip EVA!! Completely pwns OEP for years 2 and 3. Then again we had all those musems and stuff which everyone fell asleep in OEP but we had AWESOMELY FUN STUFF for year 4 CDP haha!!
And now i offically feel sec 4ish xD. GAWN IS THE SEC 3 DAYS!!
And i would agree with alot of ppl who commented on the trip on the bus ride back. We really bonded as a class and i've found alot of wonderful and good things about 4.11 haha. It isnt a bad class we tend to go really really REALLY crazy and stuff but through it all its wonderful.
And 3/4 of our class is down with either cough, flu, sore throat, headache or fever. Ah well.
And somehow i decided to take quite a number of 'people' photos this trip, something i usually dont do. I still dont take myself though xD.
Haha i shall combine Charles and Issac's method to talk about the CDP trip!! And try to cut it short while we're at it. Only the best photos will be posted or this post will take me until night to finish.
The bus ride there. Nothing much to be said.
Kevin Tan wearing Keane's 'mat' hat.

Aik Leng's hood form

Dont give me that face Eugene

4.11 Stephen walking

4.11 Stephen sleeping


Fail lift. Both up and down arrows were lighted. And the lift didnt come.

I think we're lucky. We finished the most boring day first lol. Canopy walk was quite interesting, those ppl who had fear of heights were pretty freaked but they're ok lol. The rock wall and especially the abseil (which most of them ponned) would have hit them more. Treasure hunt was BORING and most of them just ponned it and played werewolf or something. And i think they took a picture with the ice cream man haha.
During treasure hunt, there was this DARN COOL FISH. The arapaima or the dragonfish. Its HUGE. Ok so a shark is a fish too and its larger than that fish but i dont care. If that fish was straight and standing, it would be taller than me. And Aik Leng for that matter. Heres a photo of the arapaima beside its smaller cousin which i forgot the name. And Brandon I want that hilarious video!!

Anyway, on this fish, from wikipedia.
The arapaima, pirarucu, or paiche (Arapaima gigas) is a South American tropical freshwater fish. It is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.
Arapaima can reach lengths of more than 2 m (6.6 ft), in some exceptional cases even more than 2.5 m (8.2 ft) and over 100 kg (220 lbs).
Its cool ok. And kirby wiki doesnt say it eats monkeys. It just says it eats smaller animals, including birds.
Anyway continuing, went shopping around Midvalley mall which Wei Ren, Brandon, Aik Leng, Gideon, Timothy, Reno, Kirby and Alex. Did i miss anyone? Lol. Didnt buy anything. And i saw this which TOTALLY reminded me of Ryan from Hokkaido trip.

Ah well.
Port Dickson!! 3rd best day imo and 3rd best makes it not that impressive but its stil :O. Haha fun fun fun!! No pictures for the activies coz obviously you wont bring your phone into water. And my socks are offically brown. Rafting was quite cool except that everyone was flaming ben soh lol. Eagle Extreme Challenge was the super fun one. And do the ppl from our dearest class 4.10, that means charles bynes weiyang and whoever else, the best timing from your group lost to the worst timing in ours xD. No dont tell me you guys slacked or had Bynes we're just good =). But im quite surprised only one group in ours walked. And they still beat u guys. Ah well.
Anyway just to talk into a little of some of the activies during the challenge, out first group thrased the kayaking part with 3 school team canoeist lol. Paintball was super blur and inaccurate so fail. Archery i got bullseye on my first shot wahhaha. Got most points for my team. And i heard the previous team only needed to score 100 points. We needed 200. The hanging rope was quite fun. I climbed it once though i could have done it more.
7 eleven (group 7, class eleven lol) was our chiongster group with the best ppl from our class. The Rice Farmers (including me) was the noobier ppl. We got one position lower later btw got beaten by brazzers by just a little meh.

And we were rewarded for being fast. We slacked around for more than an hour using their facilities for free yay!!
Haha heres a bunch of ppl swimming.

Peter Koh!!

AWANA Resort @ Genting Highlands!! Omigosh the most epic fun day EVER. Team building games on the iternary didnt sound all that fun you expect some of the lousy stuff you get it school camps or perhaps ATC but this is the kind of team building games i wouldnt mind doing it over and over and over again. We were not split according to our classes like alot of other ppl were but our batch was randomly mixed. I didnt mind my group it had ppl like clement tan lol. Haha we did the outdoor one first when it was still super cooling. Leg tied together one more or less ppl know, hand ties together and build domino was interesting, the legs together in one plank thingy most ppl also done before. Defuse the bomb was interesting where you hand to use ropes to bring objects accross without touching them or even coming within like a metre from them. Alot of us failed though lol. We managed to transfer all 3 items accross once. Bridge building was fun. Clement and some China Scholar were our tanks while we crossed. Finally the most fun one was the rope haha!! De Ren was a darn chimpanzee. Just imagine a chimp with 2 legs and one hand on a branch and one hand with an apple eating it. Now replace that branch with a rope, the apple with a golf ball and the chimp with De Ren. It looked EXACTLY like that it tell you. Ok maybe De Ren wasnt eating the golf ball but you get the point.
So yea we were crowned best group for outdoor games for the day as well as the days before ^^. Heard the other groups later trashed us but i think partially coz they keep giving more and more hints and clues.
INDOOR OMIGOSH. ONE GAME. 3 HOURS. PURE AWESOMNESS. Who cares if the actual playing time was below seven and a half minutes at max. Every single second during the seven and a half minutes was fun. And watching the other teams was fun too. Who cares if the host kept flaming us for our mistakes he also talked about the good stuff we did and i reckon its good to listen. Who cares if you felt that he talk alot of unessary stuff i think it was quite true.
The game itself was a brilliant idea. Rescue the hostage and bring him back safely. With a bunch of screwed up kidnappers who love to screw you up with all sorts of creative methods and have crazy ideas and super sharp eyes. Yup. And though the later your group went the more time you had to observe the other group's techniques and stuff, the later you went, the more the guy screws around with you.
First 2 groups went. Brandon and Tim were the hostages. And it was damn funny they were like moving left and right and left and right then they started rushing forward, all the time bound up in their chairs. The kidnappers came in and pulled them all the way to the far corner. Eventually both were rescued but Zhi En screwed up a lil haha. So one team lost.
Next 2 groups. Kidnappers pulled them to the far end again but while they werent watching, SWAPPED both the hostages. End up both teams went to rescue the wrong hostages. Damn funny Gab couldnt find both the right and the wrong hostage then Niraj found the wrong one, rescued him and David Ong was free to rescue Gab (thats like the other way round lol) and return back. Niraj's team lost. Partially coz Gab couldnt find their hostage lol!!
Then last 2 groups, including mine. Hostages were swapped just like in the previous batch. This time both blindmen crossed over and went towards the right one. When both blind men were very near, the kidnappers dragged the hostages back to the start point of the blindman. Both teams immediately started freeing the hostage without the blindman through the lasers and then the hostage went back to rescue the blindman (again lol) and then cleared it.
Our group was praised (my my im always in the awesome group arent i?) for using the double glove technique, something the other 5 groups didnt think of. And then they accused us and the other group with us for getting info from the earlier group about them pulling the hostage back coz we realised immediately that we could rescue the hostage and set about it while the other groups in the morning were still screaming for the blindman to come back. The irony is that i got tipped for the double glove technique by Kirby but no one tipped us off about the insta rescue. Haha and they guy kept talking about advance technologies. There were 3 things for that. One was hostage blast music thought hp and the blind man moves towards the sound. One was the one Gideon's group did where hostage smsed the team with whatever mobility he had left the location of the key. Another one was done by the morning group where using in ear earphones, the team called the blindman and directed him around so hes not distracted by the rest of the screaming.
Awesome day, regret forgetting to take photos and video of the activies it the fun of it all. Haha. Anyone who has any send to me ty ^^.
Jay Chou advert haha. I saw this in S'pore bus stops too but not this big xD.

And this pic is ripped off issac's blog. I had one too but it wasnt clear. Click on the photo and read the fine print below especially xD. Haha this one found on a clothing store selling all those weird weird politically incorrect shirts lol. Including one that said 'Keep Malaysia clean. Throw your rubbish in Singapore.' Oh and this poster was also next to a no camera sign xD.

Anyway that was the shopping part. Rock wall and abseiling!! Didnt take pics again coz well, you dont want your hp to drop from really really high do you? Maximum velocity lol. I climbed 3 rock walls and completed 2. The one at the most right was agreed to be the hardest wall and everyone got stuck at the exact same part where there was like barely any grip and yea. To be able to complete that part, you prolly must have the ability to do a one hand pull up lol. Only Gabriel in our group completed it without 'cheating'. Derek one was funny the belayer called the entire class over and they pulled Derek up xD. Oh and about Gabriel, he completed 4 rock walls and abseiled. And would have done all 6 walls if he had the time. Actually i would too if i had the time but i would need more rest time in between haha.
Last part was damn cool. 3 of the instructors ran down the abseil wall. Like RAN down. They reached the bottom in like 10 seconds and the wall is prolly as high as the HDB block i stay in -.-.
Bus ride home haha!! Nothing much to comment. Had fun ^^. Reached S'pore half an hour ahead of schedule at 5. Chatted with Mrs Suzanne Yeo, then went to SAC to slack around at the piano making random melodies. Hey i made one that was quite cool. Then went home, bathed and fell asleep at 630 until 1030 this morning. Ahha. Oh well.
I really really really enjoyed this trip and all its nonsense. Whether it was the Wei Ren and Aik Leng wars at 2 am in my room (Wei ren you ran out of cereal. You poked my ear... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... THIS IS WAR!!) , or was it singing thunder and the discovery channel song on the bus (Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer. Your eyes, are the brighest of all the colours), or maybe it was everyone chanting 'Holiday!! Holiday!! Holiday!!' When we were told that we were to be rewarded for our performance during CDP, or perhaps playing bridge with Reuben and all his nonsense (*puts a queen* i scared the king eat me only. *next turn* eh sorry i got the king. Haha) or even the 'water parades' we have in the bus that made some ppl have to go pee on the roadside, i dont really know but i supposed its a combination of it all. I really got to know a few ppl better, like Wei Ren my roommate who cannot go 5 sentences without saying 'bastard' or Aik Leng whom even though has been in my class since sec 1 but i never really talked to him that much or even Reuben, someone whos an idiot in my opinion since sec 3 but he has his good side too haha.
And i think we've all grown. We've all emerged from CDP different. I cant say we all became 'leaders' or such but its different. We've become better people. And I truely thank God for that.
For nothing is impossible with God.
P.S. 2 completely random videos featuring 2 different people. Tilt your head.
1) Wei Ren and the fail Gundam CDs.
Sorta like you eh Charles. The thing beeps when he walks into and out of ANY shop coz the shop keeper didnt take out the tag thing lol.
2) Wen Kai and the fail sparking juice.
He pointed at the mirror and wanted to pop it. Wei Ren and I screamed 'NO!' coz we didnt want the cork to break the mirror. He pointed at the beds and we screamed 'NO!' coz we didnt want him to wet our beds. Then finally he pointed at the door and popped it. Apologies if the cork wasnt very clear in the video.
Ahh great times.
And Gideon, whats Soyus again? I cant find it online lol.
And i think Hokkaido trip post is never coming up like this LOL.
And i didnt do a single bit of my hw i brought along heh.
Oh and im only posting this now when everyone else is already done coz i just woke up from a 16 hour nap =). And i still feel like i could collapse any moment. So im not gonna help out at the charity bazzar thing today meh. I think even if they didnt declare holiday i still wouldnt have gone to school.
Well srsly CDP has been the best sch overseas trip EVA!! Completely pwns OEP for years 2 and 3. Then again we had all those musems and stuff which everyone fell asleep in OEP but we had AWESOMELY FUN STUFF for year 4 CDP haha!!
And now i offically feel sec 4ish xD. GAWN IS THE SEC 3 DAYS!!
And i would agree with alot of ppl who commented on the trip on the bus ride back. We really bonded as a class and i've found alot of wonderful and good things about 4.11 haha. It isnt a bad class we tend to go really really REALLY crazy and stuff but through it all its wonderful.
And 3/4 of our class is down with either cough, flu, sore throat, headache or fever. Ah well.
And somehow i decided to take quite a number of 'people' photos this trip, something i usually dont do. I still dont take myself though xD.
Haha i shall combine Charles and Issac's method to talk about the CDP trip!! And try to cut it short while we're at it. Only the best photos will be posted or this post will take me until night to finish.
The bus ride there. Nothing much to be said.
Kevin Tan wearing Keane's 'mat' hat.
Aik Leng's hood form
Dont give me that face Eugene
4.11 Stephen walking
4.11 Stephen sleeping
Fail lift. Both up and down arrows were lighted. And the lift didnt come.
I think we're lucky. We finished the most boring day first lol. Canopy walk was quite interesting, those ppl who had fear of heights were pretty freaked but they're ok lol. The rock wall and especially the abseil (which most of them ponned) would have hit them more. Treasure hunt was BORING and most of them just ponned it and played werewolf or something. And i think they took a picture with the ice cream man haha.
During treasure hunt, there was this DARN COOL FISH. The arapaima or the dragonfish. Its HUGE. Ok so a shark is a fish too and its larger than that fish but i dont care. If that fish was straight and standing, it would be taller than me. And Aik Leng for that matter. Heres a photo of the arapaima beside its smaller cousin which i forgot the name. And Brandon I want that hilarious video!!
Anyway, on this fish, from wikipedia.
The arapaima, pirarucu, or paiche (Arapaima gigas) is a South American tropical freshwater fish. It is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.
Arapaima can reach lengths of more than 2 m (6.6 ft), in some exceptional cases even more than 2.5 m (8.2 ft) and over 100 kg (220 lbs).

Anyway continuing, went shopping around Midvalley mall which Wei Ren, Brandon, Aik Leng, Gideon, Timothy, Reno, Kirby and Alex. Did i miss anyone? Lol. Didnt buy anything. And i saw this which TOTALLY reminded me of Ryan from Hokkaido trip.
Ah well.
Port Dickson!! 3rd best day imo and 3rd best makes it not that impressive but its stil :O. Haha fun fun fun!! No pictures for the activies coz obviously you wont bring your phone into water. And my socks are offically brown. Rafting was quite cool except that everyone was flaming ben soh lol. Eagle Extreme Challenge was the super fun one. And do the ppl from our dearest class 4.10, that means charles bynes weiyang and whoever else, the best timing from your group lost to the worst timing in ours xD. No dont tell me you guys slacked or had Bynes we're just good =). But im quite surprised only one group in ours walked. And they still beat u guys. Ah well.
Anyway just to talk into a little of some of the activies during the challenge, out first group thrased the kayaking part with 3 school team canoeist lol. Paintball was super blur and inaccurate so fail. Archery i got bullseye on my first shot wahhaha. Got most points for my team. And i heard the previous team only needed to score 100 points. We needed 200. The hanging rope was quite fun. I climbed it once though i could have done it more.
7 eleven (group 7, class eleven lol) was our chiongster group with the best ppl from our class. The Rice Farmers (including me) was the noobier ppl. We got one position lower later btw got beaten by brazzers by just a little meh.
And we were rewarded for being fast. We slacked around for more than an hour using their facilities for free yay!!
Haha heres a bunch of ppl swimming.
Peter Koh!!
AWANA Resort @ Genting Highlands!! Omigosh the most epic fun day EVER. Team building games on the iternary didnt sound all that fun you expect some of the lousy stuff you get it school camps or perhaps ATC but this is the kind of team building games i wouldnt mind doing it over and over and over again. We were not split according to our classes like alot of other ppl were but our batch was randomly mixed. I didnt mind my group it had ppl like clement tan lol. Haha we did the outdoor one first when it was still super cooling. Leg tied together one more or less ppl know, hand ties together and build domino was interesting, the legs together in one plank thingy most ppl also done before. Defuse the bomb was interesting where you hand to use ropes to bring objects accross without touching them or even coming within like a metre from them. Alot of us failed though lol. We managed to transfer all 3 items accross once. Bridge building was fun. Clement and some China Scholar were our tanks while we crossed. Finally the most fun one was the rope haha!! De Ren was a darn chimpanzee. Just imagine a chimp with 2 legs and one hand on a branch and one hand with an apple eating it. Now replace that branch with a rope, the apple with a golf ball and the chimp with De Ren. It looked EXACTLY like that it tell you. Ok maybe De Ren wasnt eating the golf ball but you get the point.
So yea we were crowned best group for outdoor games for the day as well as the days before ^^. Heard the other groups later trashed us but i think partially coz they keep giving more and more hints and clues.
INDOOR OMIGOSH. ONE GAME. 3 HOURS. PURE AWESOMNESS. Who cares if the actual playing time was below seven and a half minutes at max. Every single second during the seven and a half minutes was fun. And watching the other teams was fun too. Who cares if the host kept flaming us for our mistakes he also talked about the good stuff we did and i reckon its good to listen. Who cares if you felt that he talk alot of unessary stuff i think it was quite true.
The game itself was a brilliant idea. Rescue the hostage and bring him back safely. With a bunch of screwed up kidnappers who love to screw you up with all sorts of creative methods and have crazy ideas and super sharp eyes. Yup. And though the later your group went the more time you had to observe the other group's techniques and stuff, the later you went, the more the guy screws around with you.
First 2 groups went. Brandon and Tim were the hostages. And it was damn funny they were like moving left and right and left and right then they started rushing forward, all the time bound up in their chairs. The kidnappers came in and pulled them all the way to the far corner. Eventually both were rescued but Zhi En screwed up a lil haha. So one team lost.
Next 2 groups. Kidnappers pulled them to the far end again but while they werent watching, SWAPPED both the hostages. End up both teams went to rescue the wrong hostages. Damn funny Gab couldnt find both the right and the wrong hostage then Niraj found the wrong one, rescued him and David Ong was free to rescue Gab (thats like the other way round lol) and return back. Niraj's team lost. Partially coz Gab couldnt find their hostage lol!!
Then last 2 groups, including mine. Hostages were swapped just like in the previous batch. This time both blindmen crossed over and went towards the right one. When both blind men were very near, the kidnappers dragged the hostages back to the start point of the blindman. Both teams immediately started freeing the hostage without the blindman through the lasers and then the hostage went back to rescue the blindman (again lol) and then cleared it.
Our group was praised (my my im always in the awesome group arent i?) for using the double glove technique, something the other 5 groups didnt think of. And then they accused us and the other group with us for getting info from the earlier group about them pulling the hostage back coz we realised immediately that we could rescue the hostage and set about it while the other groups in the morning were still screaming for the blindman to come back. The irony is that i got tipped for the double glove technique by Kirby but no one tipped us off about the insta rescue. Haha and they guy kept talking about advance technologies. There were 3 things for that. One was hostage blast music thought hp and the blind man moves towards the sound. One was the one Gideon's group did where hostage smsed the team with whatever mobility he had left the location of the key. Another one was done by the morning group where using in ear earphones, the team called the blindman and directed him around so hes not distracted by the rest of the screaming.
Awesome day, regret forgetting to take photos and video of the activies it the fun of it all. Haha. Anyone who has any send to me ty ^^.
Jay Chou advert haha. I saw this in S'pore bus stops too but not this big xD.
And this pic is ripped off issac's blog. I had one too but it wasnt clear. Click on the photo and read the fine print below especially xD. Haha this one found on a clothing store selling all those weird weird politically incorrect shirts lol. Including one that said 'Keep Malaysia clean. Throw your rubbish in Singapore.' Oh and this poster was also next to a no camera sign xD.
Anyway that was the shopping part. Rock wall and abseiling!! Didnt take pics again coz well, you dont want your hp to drop from really really high do you? Maximum velocity lol. I climbed 3 rock walls and completed 2. The one at the most right was agreed to be the hardest wall and everyone got stuck at the exact same part where there was like barely any grip and yea. To be able to complete that part, you prolly must have the ability to do a one hand pull up lol. Only Gabriel in our group completed it without 'cheating'. Derek one was funny the belayer called the entire class over and they pulled Derek up xD. Oh and about Gabriel, he completed 4 rock walls and abseiled. And would have done all 6 walls if he had the time. Actually i would too if i had the time but i would need more rest time in between haha.
Last part was damn cool. 3 of the instructors ran down the abseil wall. Like RAN down. They reached the bottom in like 10 seconds and the wall is prolly as high as the HDB block i stay in -.-.
Bus ride home haha!! Nothing much to comment. Had fun ^^. Reached S'pore half an hour ahead of schedule at 5. Chatted with Mrs Suzanne Yeo, then went to SAC to slack around at the piano making random melodies. Hey i made one that was quite cool. Then went home, bathed and fell asleep at 630 until 1030 this morning. Ahha. Oh well.
I really really really enjoyed this trip and all its nonsense. Whether it was the Wei Ren and Aik Leng wars at 2 am in my room (Wei ren you ran out of cereal. You poked my ear... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... THIS IS WAR!!) , or was it singing thunder and the discovery channel song on the bus (Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer. Your eyes, are the brighest of all the colours), or maybe it was everyone chanting 'Holiday!! Holiday!! Holiday!!' When we were told that we were to be rewarded for our performance during CDP, or perhaps playing bridge with Reuben and all his nonsense (*puts a queen* i scared the king eat me only. *next turn* eh sorry i got the king. Haha) or even the 'water parades' we have in the bus that made some ppl have to go pee on the roadside, i dont really know but i supposed its a combination of it all. I really got to know a few ppl better, like Wei Ren my roommate who cannot go 5 sentences without saying 'bastard' or Aik Leng whom even though has been in my class since sec 1 but i never really talked to him that much or even Reuben, someone whos an idiot in my opinion since sec 3 but he has his good side too haha.
And i think we've all grown. We've all emerged from CDP different. I cant say we all became 'leaders' or such but its different. We've become better people. And I truely thank God for that.
For nothing is impossible with God.
P.S. 2 completely random videos featuring 2 different people. Tilt your head.
1) Wei Ren and the fail Gundam CDs.
Sorta like you eh Charles. The thing beeps when he walks into and out of ANY shop coz the shop keeper didnt take out the tag thing lol.
2) Wen Kai and the fail sparking juice.
He pointed at the mirror and wanted to pop it. Wei Ren and I screamed 'NO!' coz we didnt want the cork to break the mirror. He pointed at the beds and we screamed 'NO!' coz we didnt want him to wet our beds. Then finally he pointed at the door and popped it. Apologies if the cork wasnt very clear in the video.
Ahh great times.
And Gideon, whats Soyus again? I cant find it online lol.