I've been feeling so shitty this whole day. Not because of flu and cough.
Ahh well. This is gonna be a very random post. I shall start with the low stuff so that i can end high oh well.
You know, after spending so much time at CDP, suddenly you come back, flip open the notebook and scream at the deadlines -.-. Sickening. Its just the start of the year why is there so much work?? Darn it. I dont want to do those stuff. Annoying. Meh. I have absolutely no mood and no motivation to do my homework. But if i dont do that it doesnt exactly help me. Bahhhhh. Screw it.
And i heard from KLL that barely anyone is going back to nhps tmr. And with school dismissing at 1, wth. By the time we reach there all the teachers and whoever could have been there are gone and it'll be like chun wee, zhi en and me stoning around. Whats the point.
Somehow it seemed like forever since there was a 6jk outing but i know there had just been one on 31st. Maybe i wasnt satisfied with going out just ONCE during the holis but looking at the workload anyway...
Besides im supposed to be more slack in terms of stuff to do already anyway. After all i only have one CCA and nothing else to be involved in. And even though im quite high ranking in that CCA im not the highest so yea. How are others gonna make time to go out. Especially when they're favourite time and only free time appears to be saturday. What fun.
And sometimes, it seems that you care for others but others dont really give a shit about you. And you wish that it wasnt that way. Sometimes when others are down you could say a million words and it wouldnt make a difference while others say just one and everything is alright. Im not complaining about the unfairness of it i know it happens i know sometimes what certain ppl say just have more weight then it someone else says the same thing. But it doesnt change the fact that it feels really bad. Until sometimes you dont even want to say anything anymore. Because somehow you knew it wouldnt make a difference.
Sometimes you buy stuff and invite ppl to your room/house but no one wants to turn up.
Sometimes you go out of your way to do things for others but it just becomes unappreciated.
Sometimes you try to talk to others just to become very ignored because they are 'busy'.
And prolly in their minds they wonder why is that guy so annoying that he must msg so often when they dont want to hear him talk.
Not that I talked to anyone on MSN yet today. Except Eugene and Wen Kai.
I suppose its a collection of thoughts kept long that crashed in all together.
And from Charles' blog.
Okay, I will only post a week later. And since most people who visit this blog seem to come from ACS, my blog will probably go into coma for 1 week.
And from the cbox (nicely inverted so that you can read properly).
siming: tadah. im a non ac person who comes here.
Zi Cong: *repeats message below* (above in this case)
lockleong: i third the message
GL: four!
I think, that MY blog went into coma for a week. Maybe some ppl jsut refuse to tag. Coz they got nothing to tag. But personally, i feel that you could just take any sentence in the post and say something, comment something. Theres always something to tag. A dead tagboard makes ppl feel very unappreciated. Perhaps why i always tag the tagboard of others. Im not looking for spam. Im looking to find out who cares enough, or bored enough for that matter, to come here reguarary and read these rants.
No im not jelous of Charles jelousy is stupid. It has nothing to do with what others have and i dont.
Alright time to lift this stupid emo mood and force myself to say happy things.
Benjamin Soh is no more chairman!!
Im quite sure Peter Wong was supposed to be chairman due to my awesome ability to have sources but somehow David Ong is the new chairman and Peter Wong denies ever being asked to be a chairman. I think maybe he was told not to tell anyone he was first choice coz it may make David feel bad that hes second choice lol. Whatever they're both great =).
And then i was at Gideon's blog when i saw the link to this person's blog called Deborah Lin. And i remember that this same person often tags and Joseph's and Issac's blog so im like 'o.o whos this person thats everywhere' so i clicked on the link, and guess what i found on her links page!!
Charles Nicholas, Lim
David Ong
Gideon Goh
Issac Koh
Joseph Lim
Lock Leong, Koh
Zi Cong
And the best part is shes from RGPS and MGS so could not have known those ppl from primary sch or any such thing.
How the heck did someone who seems so unrelated to every single one of those ppl up there know all of them. And a number of those ppl up there dont even know each other.
But anyway on a side note, the charles link is an old link and the david ong link leads to some funny blog.
Ah well. The great mysteries of life.
And you know, the first thing ppl might expect me to do when i come back is to play dota. Well the first game i played today was L4D and the second was Audi and i havnt touched dota. Oh well.
Speaking of which, Audi has new songs again. Yay.

Getting past their bad translation, the songs are:
阿杜 - 差一点 remix
飞轮海 - 爱到
黄一飞 - 一百万
林俊杰 - 就是我
林俊杰 - 杀手
周定纬 - 寂寞包厢
SHE - 宇宙小姐
黄威尔 - 小姐小姐
the remix for 差一点 actually sounds nice lol. Its damn cool that they added the SHE and LJJ song and nice that they added 飞轮海 and 周定纬. 小姐小姐 was some weird song and 一百万 was hilarious. In case you dont know what 一百万 is, listen to this:
一百万 Yi Bai Wan - 黄一飞 Huang Yi Fei Freddie
Laughed my head off when i played that song in audi. And 杀手 has absoutely no beat -.-.
Yea and then there was the discovery channel song. I searched it on youtube and realised it had 3.8 million views. Then i went to the discovery website and they had a link to it on their frontpage, they made wallpapers and made the video and mp3 downloadable because unexpectedly, their creation has become what is now known as the boom de ah dah phenomenom. When you have a name for it, you know its big.
And finally to end this post, a quiz from tayjiayuin!! Yay!! Did it before a long long time ago but its fun to redo this quiz coz its so unique.
1) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle mode.
2) For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4) Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5) Tag 6 people.
As a bonus i put the question in brown, the answer in red, the comments in blue and the quoted lyrics in purple.
1. Are you male or female? Collide. Omigosh does that mean im both? No screw you im 100% male.
2. Describe yourself. 快乐崇拜. Awesome haha. Thats me. Except maybe not today but usually eh.
3. What do people feel when they're around you? Desperate people. Uhm thats bad isnt it -.-. Unless you go by the chorus then its good. This is our love, hearts joined as one xD.
4. Describe your current relationship. Hosanna. Yay relationship with God.
5. Where would you like to be now? Superman. o.o. I want to be super pro? Especially since this is the suanning superman song o.o.
6. How do you feel about love? Shakalaka baby. You know every sing one of those sorta made sense so far though i feel its wrong. This one too. Shakalaka baby is a song about a gal who doesnt mind using the guy -.-. I dont think love is that bad...
7. What's your life like? Evermore. My life is evermore huh. Can i use equiem of ouls. Ok nvm that.
8. What would you ask if you only had one wish? Solution. Awesome =). Go listen to the song if you dont get it. Like the entire song.
9. If someone says "Is this okay?", what would you say? Spark. Ok finally one that doesnt make sense at all.
10. How would you describe yourself? The time has come. Errr, found love beyond all reason? The time has come to stand for all we believe in? Today today its all or nothing?
12. How do you feel today? Still. I feel emoish? Hide me now under your wings. When the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm. Hey quite true i needed that thanks quiz.
13. What do your friends think of you? 黑武士. Erm im a black warrior? What does that supposed to mean. See if the lyrics make sense.
Dunno rawr.
14. What do you think of your parents? Adonai. And the verse that stands out is 'i love you more than i can say'. Hmm maybe ^^.
15. What do you think about very often? This is Home. Uhm i dont exactly think of home alot you know lol. Well it depends on how you define Home. Hey i think it might be quite true according to how this song defines home. This is home, now im finally where i belong, where i belong, yea this is home, ive been searching for a place of my own and now ive found it and maybe this is home, this is home, yea this is home.
16. What is 2+2? The Stand. Ok i think you get a random answer for a random question.
17. What do you think of the person you like? How to save a live. Where did i go wrong i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness and, i would have stayed up, with you all night, had i known, how to save a life... hmm.
18. What is your life story? 恋情频率. Err ok... dont get it.
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Majesty. Err ok!?!?!? Excuse me wth i dont intend to be some imba dude no matter how much imbaness i say i have.
20. What do you think of when you see the person you like? Offering. This doesnt make sense. This is a worship and praise song to God.
21. What will you dance to during your wedding? 主角. Erm since its my wedding of course im the 主角?
22. What will they play at your funeral? Second chance. An awesomely nice song. Shall post about it another time. Erm i think it would be ok for my funeral but im still young so i shall not think about my funeral =).
23. What is your biggest fear? Reflector. Why would i fear being a reflector? I am more than happy to be a reflector. Unless its NOT being a reflector then maybe.
24. What is your hobby/interest? Counting on God. Uhm thats not exactly a hobby isit lol. Joy unspeakable that wont go away, and just enough strength to live for today, so i never have to worry what tommorow will bring, cause my faith is on solid rock, i am counting on God.
25. What do you think of your friends? 孤军作战. Erm i think that my friends are all lone soliders in a war? Erm i dont think my friends are deliquients btw.
Uhm supposed to tag 6 ppl you guys just go do the quiz by yourself eh?
Mmm i think this had been an interesting quiz. Feel free to comment on anything in the quiz or this entire post. I dont feel so bad now, its still there but better. I shall just go sleep. Ah well. Just another day. Goodnight. And tag.
Ahh well. This is gonna be a very random post. I shall start with the low stuff so that i can end high oh well.
You know, after spending so much time at CDP, suddenly you come back, flip open the notebook and scream at the deadlines -.-. Sickening. Its just the start of the year why is there so much work?? Darn it. I dont want to do those stuff. Annoying. Meh. I have absolutely no mood and no motivation to do my homework. But if i dont do that it doesnt exactly help me. Bahhhhh. Screw it.
And i heard from KLL that barely anyone is going back to nhps tmr. And with school dismissing at 1, wth. By the time we reach there all the teachers and whoever could have been there are gone and it'll be like chun wee, zhi en and me stoning around. Whats the point.
Somehow it seemed like forever since there was a 6jk outing but i know there had just been one on 31st. Maybe i wasnt satisfied with going out just ONCE during the holis but looking at the workload anyway...
Besides im supposed to be more slack in terms of stuff to do already anyway. After all i only have one CCA and nothing else to be involved in. And even though im quite high ranking in that CCA im not the highest so yea. How are others gonna make time to go out. Especially when they're favourite time and only free time appears to be saturday. What fun.
And sometimes, it seems that you care for others but others dont really give a shit about you. And you wish that it wasnt that way. Sometimes when others are down you could say a million words and it wouldnt make a difference while others say just one and everything is alright. Im not complaining about the unfairness of it i know it happens i know sometimes what certain ppl say just have more weight then it someone else says the same thing. But it doesnt change the fact that it feels really bad. Until sometimes you dont even want to say anything anymore. Because somehow you knew it wouldnt make a difference.
Sometimes you buy stuff and invite ppl to your room/house but no one wants to turn up.
Sometimes you go out of your way to do things for others but it just becomes unappreciated.
Sometimes you try to talk to others just to become very ignored because they are 'busy'.
And prolly in their minds they wonder why is that guy so annoying that he must msg so often when they dont want to hear him talk.
Not that I talked to anyone on MSN yet today. Except Eugene and Wen Kai.
I suppose its a collection of thoughts kept long that crashed in all together.
And from Charles' blog.
Okay, I will only post a week later. And since most people who visit this blog seem to come from ACS, my blog will probably go into coma for 1 week.
And from the cbox (nicely inverted so that you can read properly).
siming: tadah. im a non ac person who comes here.
Zi Cong: *repeats message below* (above in this case)
lockleong: i third the message
GL: four!
I think, that MY blog went into coma for a week. Maybe some ppl jsut refuse to tag. Coz they got nothing to tag. But personally, i feel that you could just take any sentence in the post and say something, comment something. Theres always something to tag. A dead tagboard makes ppl feel very unappreciated. Perhaps why i always tag the tagboard of others. Im not looking for spam. Im looking to find out who cares enough, or bored enough for that matter, to come here reguarary and read these rants.
No im not jelous of Charles jelousy is stupid. It has nothing to do with what others have and i dont.
Alright time to lift this stupid emo mood and force myself to say happy things.
Benjamin Soh is no more chairman!!
Im quite sure Peter Wong was supposed to be chairman due to my awesome ability to have sources but somehow David Ong is the new chairman and Peter Wong denies ever being asked to be a chairman. I think maybe he was told not to tell anyone he was first choice coz it may make David feel bad that hes second choice lol. Whatever they're both great =).
And then i was at Gideon's blog when i saw the link to this person's blog called Deborah Lin. And i remember that this same person often tags and Joseph's and Issac's blog so im like 'o.o whos this person thats everywhere' so i clicked on the link, and guess what i found on her links page!!
Charles Nicholas, Lim
David Ong
Gideon Goh
Issac Koh
Joseph Lim
Lock Leong, Koh
Zi Cong
And the best part is shes from RGPS and MGS so could not have known those ppl from primary sch or any such thing.
How the heck did someone who seems so unrelated to every single one of those ppl up there know all of them. And a number of those ppl up there dont even know each other.
But anyway on a side note, the charles link is an old link and the david ong link leads to some funny blog.
Ah well. The great mysteries of life.
And you know, the first thing ppl might expect me to do when i come back is to play dota. Well the first game i played today was L4D and the second was Audi and i havnt touched dota. Oh well.
Speaking of which, Audi has new songs again. Yay.

Getting past their bad translation, the songs are:
阿杜 - 差一点 remix
飞轮海 - 爱到
黄一飞 - 一百万
林俊杰 - 就是我
林俊杰 - 杀手
周定纬 - 寂寞包厢
SHE - 宇宙小姐
黄威尔 - 小姐小姐
the remix for 差一点 actually sounds nice lol. Its damn cool that they added the SHE and LJJ song and nice that they added 飞轮海 and 周定纬. 小姐小姐 was some weird song and 一百万 was hilarious. In case you dont know what 一百万 is, listen to this:
一百万 Yi Bai Wan - 黄一飞 Huang Yi Fei Freddie
Laughed my head off when i played that song in audi. And 杀手 has absoutely no beat -.-.
Yea and then there was the discovery channel song. I searched it on youtube and realised it had 3.8 million views. Then i went to the discovery website and they had a link to it on their frontpage, they made wallpapers and made the video and mp3 downloadable because unexpectedly, their creation has become what is now known as the boom de ah dah phenomenom. When you have a name for it, you know its big.
And finally to end this post, a quiz from tayjiayuin!! Yay!! Did it before a long long time ago but its fun to redo this quiz coz its so unique.
1) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle mode.
2) For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4) Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5) Tag 6 people.
As a bonus i put the question in brown, the answer in red, the comments in blue and the quoted lyrics in purple.
1. Are you male or female? Collide. Omigosh does that mean im both? No screw you im 100% male.
2. Describe yourself. 快乐崇拜. Awesome haha. Thats me. Except maybe not today but usually eh.
3. What do people feel when they're around you? Desperate people. Uhm thats bad isnt it -.-. Unless you go by the chorus then its good. This is our love, hearts joined as one xD.
4. Describe your current relationship. Hosanna. Yay relationship with God.
5. Where would you like to be now? Superman. o.o. I want to be super pro? Especially since this is the suanning superman song o.o.
6. How do you feel about love? Shakalaka baby. You know every sing one of those sorta made sense so far though i feel its wrong. This one too. Shakalaka baby is a song about a gal who doesnt mind using the guy -.-. I dont think love is that bad...
7. What's your life like? Evermore. My life is evermore huh. Can i use equiem of ouls. Ok nvm that.
8. What would you ask if you only had one wish? Solution. Awesome =). Go listen to the song if you dont get it. Like the entire song.
9. If someone says "Is this okay?", what would you say? Spark. Ok finally one that doesnt make sense at all.
10. How would you describe yourself? The time has come. Errr, found love beyond all reason? The time has come to stand for all we believe in? Today today its all or nothing?
12. How do you feel today? Still. I feel emoish? Hide me now under your wings. When the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm. Hey quite true i needed that thanks quiz.
13. What do your friends think of you? 黑武士. Erm im a black warrior? What does that supposed to mean. See if the lyrics make sense.
Dunno rawr.
14. What do you think of your parents? Adonai. And the verse that stands out is 'i love you more than i can say'. Hmm maybe ^^.
15. What do you think about very often? This is Home. Uhm i dont exactly think of home alot you know lol. Well it depends on how you define Home. Hey i think it might be quite true according to how this song defines home. This is home, now im finally where i belong, where i belong, yea this is home, ive been searching for a place of my own and now ive found it and maybe this is home, this is home, yea this is home.
16. What is 2+2? The Stand. Ok i think you get a random answer for a random question.
17. What do you think of the person you like? How to save a live. Where did i go wrong i lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness and, i would have stayed up, with you all night, had i known, how to save a life... hmm.
18. What is your life story? 恋情频率. Err ok... dont get it.
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Majesty. Err ok!?!?!? Excuse me wth i dont intend to be some imba dude no matter how much imbaness i say i have.
20. What do you think of when you see the person you like? Offering. This doesnt make sense. This is a worship and praise song to God.
21. What will you dance to during your wedding? 主角. Erm since its my wedding of course im the 主角?
22. What will they play at your funeral? Second chance. An awesomely nice song. Shall post about it another time. Erm i think it would be ok for my funeral but im still young so i shall not think about my funeral =).
23. What is your biggest fear? Reflector. Why would i fear being a reflector? I am more than happy to be a reflector. Unless its NOT being a reflector then maybe.
24. What is your hobby/interest? Counting on God. Uhm thats not exactly a hobby isit lol. Joy unspeakable that wont go away, and just enough strength to live for today, so i never have to worry what tommorow will bring, cause my faith is on solid rock, i am counting on God.
25. What do you think of your friends? 孤军作战. Erm i think that my friends are all lone soliders in a war? Erm i dont think my friends are deliquients btw.
Uhm supposed to tag 6 ppl you guys just go do the quiz by yourself eh?
Mmm i think this had been an interesting quiz. Feel free to comment on anything in the quiz or this entire post. I dont feel so bad now, its still there but better. I shall just go sleep. Ah well. Just another day. Goodnight. And tag.