Dum dee dee da dum.
My internet sucks today. Its damn slow.
And my comp is cranky again.
After NPAP today was random lol. We walk walk walk to the bus stop, as usual sit there talk nonsense, then suddenly got i-forgot-what-school one girl say 'Acs. My bro also in Acs.' Which i was thinking 'uhhhhm does that concern me?' Then later some lameness ensured and somehow later on the bus isaac and mark ended up talking to her even though we dont know her. Then ben me and julian were more at the back then talking abit then suddenly this guy from the bus starts talking to us. And turns out hes ACS IB graduate enlisted into NS. Then started talking about IB and all the school achievements and stuff and im like 'uhh cool so now we just started conversations with two random people in a most unlikely situation for no apparent reason'.
Then we left the bus and everyone went off. Ah well. And saw Jia Jie at Lot 1. Someone tell me why are Fridays at Lot 1 rather eventful. In one year sometimes i meet like 1 or 2 people randomly somewhere. This year alone 3 times something like that happened at Lot 1 le lol. All after NPAP. Lalala.
Eating at Lot 1 was amusing at one point. I went to order the fishball noodles so you had to choose whether you want you mian, mee kia, or mee pok. So i chose mee kia.
Then the rest of the peeps also ordered.
Mark: Ahh uncle yi ge xia mian.
Uncle: Ok bu yao shang mian yao xia mian.
Us: Lololololol.
Mark: I got owned by an old man.
Julian: Uncle yi ge yu yuan mian.
Uncle: Shen me mian.
Julian: Yu yuan mian
Us: Lololololol.
Quite random haha. Especially when you see an old man make puns and lame jokes at you.
And well I guess the flow of thoughts in this post may be abit weird haha. Kinda tired I guess. Tmr still got last day rawr. Whoooo.
And yea listening to my music not new ones just the ones I already have and I shall comment on 2 songs.
Majesty by Delirious?
Seriously, I dont think I have ever ever heard a song that spoke to me more than this song. Usually when you listen to a song alot, you get bored of it, but Majesty is really unique, really special. The melody is not what you would hear normally and the lyrics are really really really powerful lyrics.
Majesty is imo the single most impactful song I have ever heard. Overcome, Potter's Hand, Still, Complete, Above All, The Stand, all these songs have also made great impact on me, but none of them have done it like the song Majesty has.
Absoutely beautiful song. Been listening to it for a year now and still aint tired of it.
Majesty (Here I Am) - Delirious
Here I am humbled by Your Majesty,
Covered by Your grace so free.
Here I am knowing I'm a sinful man,
Covered by the blood of the Lamb.
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrifice.
Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in Your hands.
Singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the presence of Your Majesty.
Here I am humbled by the love that You give,
Forgiven so that I can forgive.
So here I stand,
Knowing that I am Your desire,
Sanctified by glory and fire.
And now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrife.
Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in your hands.
Singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the presence of Your Majesty.
We're singing Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in Your hands.
We're singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the beauty of Your Majesty.
It seems so simple, yet so profound.
Now I've found, the greatest love of all, is mine. Since you laid down your life. The greatest sacrifice.
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Well this version on imeem one is squeaky haha i dont know why. Anyway, this video coupled together with the song is an even better effect. Watch the video here.
Other song is a song that ive been listening to for about 3 months or so? But it was always one of those songs that was like 'quite nice' but i didnt even really know the lyrics. Something like how i used to treat the song 'you deserve' coz i just liked the part that goes 'Now in the darkness, God's light shines. Christ forever, glorified' not because it was meaningful but coz it sounded cool. So yea i listened to the song Perfect Love like that. I like the way they do the chorus, I think the effect is pretty cool. So yea as I was listening to that song on my mp3 on wednesday, instead of just listening to the melody, I started to listen to the words and what they really meant. And its a great song, not just by melody, but also by lyrics.
Perfect Love - Hillsong - United
I wanna see the broken hearts
Finding hope in God above
I wanna know I’m doing all I can
So with this life, with all I am
No matter what the cost may be
I pray to see your love become our cause
I won’t stop believing
You alone are, You alone are God
In You there's freedom
Your love brings me to my knees again
We're gonna bring an anthem of love
We're gonna live for you now
This perfect love, I can't explain
This way of life that has no end
Your mercy satisfies, it's all I need
My purpose found in You alone
To love the lost and bring them home
We were made to glorify our king
I won’t stop believing
You alone are, You alone are God
In You there's freedom
Your love brings me to my knees again
We're gonna bring an anthem of love
We're gonna live for you
May your love become my every thought
I wanna know the sound of your heart
I wanna live for you now
Singing You, you bring me life
You bring me hope
You're all I need
Well for Majesty it was all beautiful but i could still pick up the really special parts for me. Perfect love, the whole song is special =).
You know how my favourite song keeps changing and it was Above All like from last month to up to a few days ago? Haha now its Perfect Love ^^.
And heres a rather cool picture i found on facebook.

Fill it a lil at the sides with more black and you get a wallpaper =D. But i'll use it as my dp rawr. Kinda small so you cant really see it but oh well.
And to end off, LAME VIDEO!! Haha a combination of alot of stuff we did by Mark. Then coz he no facebook so I was supposed to upload it but nooooo ben did it first because i was busy and didnt used the comp. Fineeeeeeee. Its ok we can have 2 of the video on facebook =D.
Byes and goodnite!!
My internet sucks today. Its damn slow.
And my comp is cranky again.
After NPAP today was random lol. We walk walk walk to the bus stop, as usual sit there talk nonsense, then suddenly got i-forgot-what-school one girl say 'Acs. My bro also in Acs.' Which i was thinking 'uhhhhm does that concern me?' Then later some lameness ensured and somehow later on the bus isaac and mark ended up talking to her even though we dont know her. Then ben me and julian were more at the back then talking abit then suddenly this guy from the bus starts talking to us. And turns out hes ACS IB graduate enlisted into NS. Then started talking about IB and all the school achievements and stuff and im like 'uhh cool so now we just started conversations with two random people in a most unlikely situation for no apparent reason'.
Then we left the bus and everyone went off. Ah well. And saw Jia Jie at Lot 1. Someone tell me why are Fridays at Lot 1 rather eventful. In one year sometimes i meet like 1 or 2 people randomly somewhere. This year alone 3 times something like that happened at Lot 1 le lol. All after NPAP. Lalala.
Eating at Lot 1 was amusing at one point. I went to order the fishball noodles so you had to choose whether you want you mian, mee kia, or mee pok. So i chose mee kia.
Then the rest of the peeps also ordered.
Mark: Ahh uncle yi ge xia mian.
Uncle: Ok bu yao shang mian yao xia mian.
Us: Lololololol.
Mark: I got owned by an old man.
Julian: Uncle yi ge yu yuan mian.
Uncle: Shen me mian.
Julian: Yu yuan mian
Us: Lololololol.
Quite random haha. Especially when you see an old man make puns and lame jokes at you.
And well I guess the flow of thoughts in this post may be abit weird haha. Kinda tired I guess. Tmr still got last day rawr. Whoooo.
And yea listening to my music not new ones just the ones I already have and I shall comment on 2 songs.
Majesty by Delirious?
Seriously, I dont think I have ever ever heard a song that spoke to me more than this song. Usually when you listen to a song alot, you get bored of it, but Majesty is really unique, really special. The melody is not what you would hear normally and the lyrics are really really really powerful lyrics.
Majesty is imo the single most impactful song I have ever heard. Overcome, Potter's Hand, Still, Complete, Above All, The Stand, all these songs have also made great impact on me, but none of them have done it like the song Majesty has.
Absoutely beautiful song. Been listening to it for a year now and still aint tired of it.
Majesty (Here I Am) - Delirious
Here I am humbled by Your Majesty,
Covered by Your grace so free.
Here I am knowing I'm a sinful man,
Covered by the blood of the Lamb.
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrifice.
Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in Your hands.
Singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the presence of Your Majesty.
Here I am humbled by the love that You give,
Forgiven so that I can forgive.
So here I stand,
Knowing that I am Your desire,
Sanctified by glory and fire.
And now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrife.
Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in your hands.
Singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the presence of Your Majesty.
We're singing Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in Your hands.
We're singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the beauty of Your Majesty.
It seems so simple, yet so profound.
Now I've found, the greatest love of all, is mine. Since you laid down your life. The greatest sacrifice.
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Well this version on imeem one is squeaky haha i dont know why. Anyway, this video coupled together with the song is an even better effect. Watch the video here.
Other song is a song that ive been listening to for about 3 months or so? But it was always one of those songs that was like 'quite nice' but i didnt even really know the lyrics. Something like how i used to treat the song 'you deserve' coz i just liked the part that goes 'Now in the darkness, God's light shines. Christ forever, glorified' not because it was meaningful but coz it sounded cool. So yea i listened to the song Perfect Love like that. I like the way they do the chorus, I think the effect is pretty cool. So yea as I was listening to that song on my mp3 on wednesday, instead of just listening to the melody, I started to listen to the words and what they really meant. And its a great song, not just by melody, but also by lyrics.
Perfect Love - Hillsong - United
I wanna see the broken hearts
Finding hope in God above
I wanna know I’m doing all I can
So with this life, with all I am
No matter what the cost may be
I pray to see your love become our cause
I won’t stop believing
You alone are, You alone are God
In You there's freedom
Your love brings me to my knees again
We're gonna bring an anthem of love
We're gonna live for you now
This perfect love, I can't explain
This way of life that has no end
Your mercy satisfies, it's all I need
My purpose found in You alone
To love the lost and bring them home
We were made to glorify our king
I won’t stop believing
You alone are, You alone are God
In You there's freedom
Your love brings me to my knees again
We're gonna bring an anthem of love
We're gonna live for you
May your love become my every thought
I wanna know the sound of your heart
I wanna live for you now
Singing You, you bring me life
You bring me hope
You're all I need
Well for Majesty it was all beautiful but i could still pick up the really special parts for me. Perfect love, the whole song is special =).
You know how my favourite song keeps changing and it was Above All like from last month to up to a few days ago? Haha now its Perfect Love ^^.
And heres a rather cool picture i found on facebook.
Fill it a lil at the sides with more black and you get a wallpaper =D. But i'll use it as my dp rawr. Kinda small so you cant really see it but oh well.
And to end off, LAME VIDEO!! Haha a combination of alot of stuff we did by Mark. Then coz he no facebook so I was supposed to upload it but nooooo ben did it first because i was busy and didnt used the comp. Fineeeeeeee. Its ok we can have 2 of the video on facebook =D.
Byes and goodnite!!