This is probably gonna be my last post in a few days coz im going to Batam!!
Rawr. Will be back on Tuesday.
Actually i dont even know whats interesting there LOL im just uhm ok whatever haha.
So yes. I know you guys will miss me awwwww.
Ok whatever.
So my parents got a new car. My hp to comp wire isnt working now so no photo for you guys. Its a toyota (not mercedes la) and I cant recall if its a picnic or wish or what. Whatever. Got 8 seats. So very song. Today go eat dinner going that time i push down my seat so can lean back xD. Going back that time i climb to the back and lie down and sleep. Whooo im already finding uses for the extra space.
Anyway I was talking about how i used =p more and more nowadays? Yea now to try to counter that i started using =/. I think its similar to =p in many ways but it has a different tone to it. Like uhm =p is more happier and cheekier while =/ is more i 'oh man should have seen that coming' type haha. And im using my classics =D xD and ^^ lesser now. Rawrr. Did i just do a smiley faces analysis?
Anyway I was quite sadded today la. Rawr. But I think what Weiyang said about God's will and such makes sense so yup. Im not so sadded anymore. In fact i wasnt so sadded by like uhm after i reached home. Which was somewhat interesting. I walked almost all the way thru the market already, then it was just drizzling, then i pressed the traffic light button, the last stretch to reach the neighbourhood. Then like 10 seconds after i pressed it the drizzle became a downpour. Quite suddenly. And then I was like 'uhh ok'. Then something amusing. I was listening to mp3 but not intently so i didnt even know what song was playing. Then the chorus started.
Rain down on me, rain down on me. Here in your presence I am free.
It was amusing ok. Yea then i crossed the road. Then after that i could take the long way and walk one round add extra 1 min to go around 317 sheltered or i could just cut thru unsheltered. Then i decided since my mp3 agreed with it, I walked thru the rain. Not ran thru just walked through. Its nice to walk in the rain once in awhile just make sure you bathe when you get back and dont catch a cold. And I guess its a symbolic representation as well. To know that when you're walking through the storms of life, you are not alone.
Lord pour down like rain, come and touch me again, Lord let your presence fall on me.
Did anyone else realise that it was raining BEFORE and AFTER Playmax but not during it?
Sweet annointing, wash me over.
Anyway, haha I dunno why after I made my song sharing on Perfect Love then suddenly I get comments on my song sharing for Above All. So yes. David posted a comment on my facebook.
'Above all terror above all fear
Above the sorrow that flows in every tear
Above the evil that stalks the world unknown
You are still the God upon the throne
Above all grief and above all pain
Above the voices that say it's all in vain
Above the aching we feel and bear alone
You are still the God upon the throne
This can be a second stanza, composed by my pastor - I think. (;'
I think its quite cool. I like especially the second paragraph second line. Above the voices that say its all in vain.
Trusting in God through it all, no matter how bleak the circumstances are, no matter what people say to you.
Speaking of David Sim, he has a BLOG!! Haha the fever finally caught on eh. Hmm. I realise David is one of my closer friends who i dont talk to as much anymore =/. More often than not i think he starts a convo on msn with me then the other way round. Ah well. I shall allocate time again after coming back from Batam to just talk to people.
And to end off this post, amusing stuff from facebook. Maybe I Need a Chan Siming Facebook Wall fanclub as well. Either that or I just happen to have found people who can be that retarded with me.

Im quite sure that wont be the end of it. Like maybe i'll continue after I come back LOL.
Haha its late. Will be back on on Tues RAWRRRR!!~~
Rawr. Will be back on Tuesday.
Actually i dont even know whats interesting there LOL im just uhm ok whatever haha.
So yes. I know you guys will miss me awwwww.
Ok whatever.
So my parents got a new car. My hp to comp wire isnt working now so no photo for you guys. Its a toyota (not mercedes la) and I cant recall if its a picnic or wish or what. Whatever. Got 8 seats. So very song. Today go eat dinner going that time i push down my seat so can lean back xD. Going back that time i climb to the back and lie down and sleep. Whooo im already finding uses for the extra space.
Anyway I was talking about how i used =p more and more nowadays? Yea now to try to counter that i started using =/. I think its similar to =p in many ways but it has a different tone to it. Like uhm =p is more happier and cheekier while =/ is more i 'oh man should have seen that coming' type haha. And im using my classics =D xD and ^^ lesser now. Rawrr. Did i just do a smiley faces analysis?
Anyway I was quite sadded today la. Rawr. But I think what Weiyang said about God's will and such makes sense so yup. Im not so sadded anymore. In fact i wasnt so sadded by like uhm after i reached home. Which was somewhat interesting. I walked almost all the way thru the market already, then it was just drizzling, then i pressed the traffic light button, the last stretch to reach the neighbourhood. Then like 10 seconds after i pressed it the drizzle became a downpour. Quite suddenly. And then I was like 'uhh ok'. Then something amusing. I was listening to mp3 but not intently so i didnt even know what song was playing. Then the chorus started.
Rain down on me, rain down on me. Here in your presence I am free.
It was amusing ok. Yea then i crossed the road. Then after that i could take the long way and walk one round add extra 1 min to go around 317 sheltered or i could just cut thru unsheltered. Then i decided since my mp3 agreed with it, I walked thru the rain. Not ran thru just walked through. Its nice to walk in the rain once in awhile just make sure you bathe when you get back and dont catch a cold. And I guess its a symbolic representation as well. To know that when you're walking through the storms of life, you are not alone.
Lord pour down like rain, come and touch me again, Lord let your presence fall on me.
Did anyone else realise that it was raining BEFORE and AFTER Playmax but not during it?
Sweet annointing, wash me over.
Anyway, haha I dunno why after I made my song sharing on Perfect Love then suddenly I get comments on my song sharing for Above All. So yes. David posted a comment on my facebook.
'Above all terror above all fear
Above the sorrow that flows in every tear
Above the evil that stalks the world unknown
You are still the God upon the throne
Above all grief and above all pain
Above the voices that say it's all in vain
Above the aching we feel and bear alone
You are still the God upon the throne
This can be a second stanza, composed by my pastor - I think. (;'
I think its quite cool. I like especially the second paragraph second line. Above the voices that say its all in vain.
Trusting in God through it all, no matter how bleak the circumstances are, no matter what people say to you.
Speaking of David Sim, he has a BLOG!! Haha the fever finally caught on eh. Hmm. I realise David is one of my closer friends who i dont talk to as much anymore =/. More often than not i think he starts a convo on msn with me then the other way round. Ah well. I shall allocate time again after coming back from Batam to just talk to people.
And to end off this post, amusing stuff from facebook. Maybe I Need a Chan Siming Facebook Wall fanclub as well. Either that or I just happen to have found people who can be that retarded with me.

Im quite sure that wont be the end of it. Like maybe i'll continue after I come back LOL.
Haha its late. Will be back on on Tues RAWRRRR!!~~