I really really really enjoyed and had a wonderful time of QT today.
I mean seriously. Si Er was telling us today that we really need to set apart some time everyday to just pray and seek God's face. Dont even bring your troubles at that moment, its just you and Him.
So I guess at DI I was just thinking 'oh ok maybe i'll try that tonight'.
And I did.
So for those who havnt, DO IT. Its really awesome and its all worth it.
And so Weejin, there you go, my greatest takeaway from this message series =D.
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
What if we were to tell you that the world has not seen what ONE MAN can do when hes totally set apart for God.
Will you be that one man. And bring about a revival by the power of God.
The eyes of the Lord are constantly searching and looking. To find one person, who is willing to go all the way for Jesus.
Will you be that person?
And something that I remembered Gideon telling me about. The law of God.
Heres a very simple diagram.

The box represents the law of God. Now if I were to ask you to, where do you think you are in this diagram, where would you put yourself?
Think about it for a moment. Dont continue until you have an answer.
Many people will answer that they are INSIDE the box. They are restrained by the law of God, that they cannot have freedom to do what they want because the law of God prohibits them from doing it.
The thing is this. The law of God was never meant to be restrictive. It was to help.
The truth is, if you trust in God, you are not trapped within the box, within the law of God. You are OUTSIDE the box. The law is trapping sin WITHIN the box.
In other words, you have freedom in Christ. Not chains. You have the entire area outside, so much, for what you want to do. And God is happy to give you all that.
But more often than not, whats forbidden is more enticing. And even though we have so much, we choose to break through the law of God and enter inside the box.
It is us, who trapped ourselves, and made ourselves slaves to sin. God gave us a choice and warned us, telling us what was the better choice, but we break it anyway.
So open your eyes. Know that the law of God brings freedom. And be prepared for a release.
Just like Adam and Eve. Many people think that Adam and Eve are bad, that even though they had the entire garden to themselves and only ONE tree was forbidden, they choose to disobey and take from it.
But its the same for us. We have so many things in this world for us. But we choose to disobey and take from the tree that we are forbidden to take from.
And God isnt angry with us. Hes just. Sad. That we gave ourselves up.
Repent. And turn back to God.
I think the singer of I Could Sing Of Your Love knows what he was doing when he wrote that song =p.
Really I mean normal people would just look at the song and think 'ah well nothing special about this song. Especially when the chorus is repeating the same line four times.'
But today, I had the first hand realisation that I could really do it.
I really could, sing of His love forever.
And I really could sing that particualr song about his love forever.
Really, its like you sing, 'I could sing of your love, forever, I could sing of your love, forever'. And sometimes you can just really keep going and going because you really know its true and you really can. And you could sing that one line not 4 times or 8 times you could sing it 20 times, 40 times, its amazing. Im not exaggerating.
Its a really wonderful song.
Oh I feel like dancing ^^.
And after 4 disconnected Christianity related posts, lets switch to some other random thoughts yey.
Did I just spoil the mood?
So uhm. Went to some dinner buffet with my grandparents and family after DI. Then after coming back my grandpa was talking about how Javier and Joel cant sleep without aircon.
So I was thinking, you know, theyre really spoilt.
I remember those days when I was really young, the entire family will sleep in what is now my room, then my dad will sleep on the only bed while my mom, my bro and me will sleep on the floor. And that was the day it was. And then on some rare occasions, some days, like once a few months, we will get to all go and sleep in the mystical air con room!!
And it would always be so exciting and fun. The air con room is basically just the master bedroom lol. It used to have this really old aircon attached at the side of the room. Yea side. Its was the olden type. So yea. I realised that actually although my family is rather ok financially now, somewhat above average though not rich, we used to be really really poor. Like maybe before I was born. So during this period of time where I can remember the air con room days, which I cant even remember how old I was, we were still not very financially well off so sleeping air con was really a privilege. And somehow I remember one instance of watching gurmit singh host something on the tv. I just cant rmb what heh.
So really, the days with aircon used to be some wonderful fantasy land days that were really rare and rewarding.
But nowadays kids cant sleep without aircon huh.
And on memories, lets talk about the oldest vaguest memories I have!!
Ok. Uhm. I have absolutely no recollection of alot of photos in the family albums haha. I only have two memories of the old pasir panjang house. Which I think we moved out when I was four? So thats really good to have two memories already. One was of me looking at the letters a to z on the wall. The mickey mousey stuff haha. Another one was of me sitting in a grey chair and my dad taking a picture of me on it. I think it might have been a new grey chair lol. And I have to photo evidence of that =D.
Lalalala. Then after that was Jurong East le. Oh I have a recollection of the day before I entered nursery haha. Which my mom still reminds me of now and then even though she hasnt done it in a really loooonnnngggg time. It was 31st decemeber (of course I didnt know that then) and my mom, or dad I dont know, was telling me that im going to go nursery already. How come still sucking my zut zut (pacifier). So in one of the most epic powers of a little kid, I stood up, took the pacifier from my mouth, and threw it in the bin. Even though I had never thought of doing that before.
See, I had potential since young to do great things. The pacifier is but one example =D.
Yey me.
Ok this is really random haha.
I shall ends my post.
Oh on another note, with all the differences, theres one similarity between Raffles and ACS.
Their founders had a heart to spark the fire of God in the country ^^.