Im sorry Eugene/Bynes wasnt online for me to scream that through msn so this will have to do ^^.
Mmm. Ok. So school has ended. Its kinda sudden actually. Hence im not screaming it in huge red words. One moment its after eoys school celebrations and bridge and mao and all that then poof hey what its over?
I dont know. Now that the year has come to an end I think I'll kinda miss this crazy screwed up class. Sure we can get really mean. Sure some of us are really too proud. Sure we do really stupid things sometimes. Still, whos perfect? If anything, I thank this class for making school life such a joy. Lets face it we dont go through a single day without laughing like a bunch of mad people. Theres the AC culture, then theres our class culture. All the inside jokes and the random stuffs, funny incidents. All these will remain forever in our memories.
We didnt get to potluck of course. We dont have epic Macs, KFC and then pizza like 4.10 does but heck we have pizza =).
This year has indeed been the most memorable year in my school life. Although I suspect this record will still be thrashed again in the future but hey who knows.
In fact, looking back even though this year still has 2 months left, this year IS the most memorable year in many other aspects of my life as well.
I dont know haha. Usually the 'oh noes im gonna be going up to the next level soon' posts come days or weeks before school reopens but this time its like 2 months early. Probably because school life didnt like fade into the holidays like it usually does but it was suddenly boom(z), gone. Its kinda weird but suddenly im realise that I wont see all those faces for 2 months (majority at least) and im like 'wait what just happened'. Kinda abrupt I guess.
Of course the many talks about year 5 including the epic one by CBT on Wednesday (which is technically 2 days ago but because im still awake it is like yesterday, gah i hate these past 12 midnight thing) kinda made us more nervous and anticipating the year ahead. To be honest I kinda always wondered what year 5 will be like since like year 2 or something. It was just never really much of a concern until now when im like 'OMIGOSH THE NEXT TIME I GO TO SCHOOL IM YEAR 5'.
Year 5. While its still the same school, the culture is going to be so different from years 1 to 4. The way things are done, everything. Shift from the old block to new block. Education system also changes. We arent under the prefects anymore but the student council. Everything. In particular I would address two of them.
IB education system. Its gonna be such a crazy change. All of a sudden there are many new subjects. Even the old subjects that are gonna be continued to be done suddenly are very different as well. Like English A1. Gone is the 'its impossible to fail langarts' and welcome to the land of 'we are all gonna die'. Well considering that I was one of the few ppl who dreaded failing langarts when no one did, imagine now when im going to IB to take English A1 =/. Its a killer subject, the teachers said so themselves. Haizz. And im still confused over what to take. Unlike many people I seem to know, I dont have a clear direction and purpose in life towards what I want to be. I dont want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a researcher or whatever. It was never something I gave much thought to. Now I know that whatever subject I choose here will ultimately affect which path in life I will move unto. Choosing subject combinations although wont happen till like prolly mid or late Feburary, its kinda la hard to decide. And you dont want to make a mistake.
And of course we all know what the other one is going to be. Yes the introduction of the human female counterparts. Lets face it we shant deny. After being in an all boys school for 4 years, its simply going to feel weird. For some people, it will affect them less because they are either antisocial anyway or they are super social that they already have many close girl (space) friends out there (yes there are more categories but im just saying). While I dont deny I have great friends outside as well, I guess for me I fall between those two categories and we're the people who may have difficulty adjusting. The integration of girls into the school is really a big thing and im not being retarded. Being stuck with these people for 5 days a week is not the same as seeing some once a week at church (twice, whatever). Maybe some will think im overreacting. I think I am. But it doesnt change the fact that there some sort of, uh, ominous shadow (xD). From my knowledge of the IB world, the AC culture is going to be greatly affected by this. So I guess for all we know this is the last year we could laugh and joke and say anything we want. Besides, knowing me, im gonna have a few additional problems with this haizz.
Well, the summary of these is basically, change. I dont hate change. But I cant say im a gigantic fan of it, much less sudden, extreme, unprepared (or rather 'unpreparable') changes. Gradual change is good, it moves us forward, but I dont know man. Feels like my world is going to be quite shaken stepping into IB. Its the uh, lack of control over situations I guess. I dont know. I never really understood myself.
And I do wonder, whats to happen to friendships. I guess I still kinda keep in contact with some of my year 2 classmates, people like wk, cw and david, but lets face it. 4.10 is right next to our class, its filled with alot of people I already know and alot who are very friendly. Perhaps this is why I could still keep in contact with wk and cw? What if they were isolated to a far off class next year. What will happen then? For david, the connection was prolly more of np than year 2 classmates. Even now, the np ppl have seemed to become distant. Plus, I dont talk to people alot on msn I guess, bad habit of mine maybe but I never could just 'start a conversation' with anyone. Im prolly more in touch with people through blogs and facebook. What if those people dont have both. What happens to our connection then?
Well it likely isnt gonna happen with wr though haha. Even though he has neither, we're gonna be in the same OG next year and likely to be same class due to our almost identical subject combi (at least if I go along with that subject combi I still cant decide). Mmm.
Speaking of which, in OG 10, theres gonna be me, Alex, Weiren, Leon, Kenta and Sean. I dont recognise the names of anyone else in that list haha. I think I know whos Eliot (sp?) though but I dont know any of those people personally other than those mentioned above so yea.
Mmm. So. I have no idea. Can you believe it im already like 'ohhhh crap year 5's coming'. Its the FIRST DAY OF HOLIDAYS lol. But honestly, from the number of people talking about their OGs and subject combis and all that, I think many people probably feel the same way.
Where am I headed, I wonder. Entering this new phase of life. Future is unclear but perhaps the mysteries of life is one of the reasons why it is worth living.