Retarded yet amusing papers today haha.
Like seriously. Xenon Difluoride? Not funny lor please. Uh according to my free chem tutor Chong Hui its "single bond with each fluorine, then xenon has 3 lone pairs left, expansion of octet for xenon".
So yes. XeF2 is now the most talked about issue. How the heck did that end up in our chem paper. For the first time in my life im hearing that Noble Gases can react. Wth?
Haha anyway, paper 1 for chem was easy and I was really happy =D. Considering I didnt really study that much over the weekend for chem eh. Eh but I studied before that haha just the final revision very lil only so I thought I was gonna do quite badly and kinda like dont really mind whatever marks I get for chem le coz my physics SHOULD be taking in the 7 points. Omigooossshhh paper 1 was so nice =D. I finished then I wrote Isaiah 43:1-2 behind the booklet haha xD. Sorry la it was in my head.
Paper 2 everyone died. So I dont feel bad. Coz when everyone dies, it means its not your fault =D.
So yay im proud for my chem.
I was quite high during the paper la seriously. Got the ideal gas question (I thought Ideal Gas wasnt tested?) I dunno how to do I wrote my answer as:
Go yahoo answers
Type in question
Submit question
Wait for answer
Write answer here
Or something like that. As in I actually REALLY wrote it in the paper as my answer xD.
Then the very last question the weird weird Iodide thingo which I think confused quite a number of people also, haha that one I wrote:
(something here cant rmb what)
= 3.141592654
OR 42
I bet you're smiling now
Or not
Maybe you're wondering whats wrong with this student
The smiley face was turned right side up. Whoooo whoever marks my paper have fun.
And I drew "(the heart shaped thingo arrgh annoying why blogger cannot use the triangular brackets)!~ =)" in all of my papers. The smiley face turned right side up again of course.
Ah yes history. Another lul paper. To start off, I really didnt have time to study. You see, there are 5 possible essay questions that can come out, and in the exam there will be two questions choose one. So obviously that means you study 4 la. So I didnt study Origin Of Cold War, and I had notes for the other four, but end up I only had time to in depth study Korean War and Cuban Missile Crisis, I didnt have time for Vietnam War and Fall Of Soviet Union. So thats like 40% chance gonna come out only haha. So lalalala.
Then Brandon was like 'You go in take the paper, if one question is on Vietnam War and the other on Fall Of Soviet Union, just write Korean War".
Then damn epic. We go in take the paper, the essay questions come out.
Second one was about Fall Of Soviet Union. First question was really wth?
"Assess the effects of the Korean War or the Vietnam War on Cold War development"
Seriously la thats like 3 essay questions liao lor. The 'or' over there is really ???
Haha so super funny. I went in to take the paper, one question was on Vietnam war, the other was on fall of soviet union and I did write the Korean War xD. Please ah stop playing pranks on me leh. Ok la quite funny ^^.
In the question paper, I circled the 'ok' and drew out and arrow with the words 'lolwhut?'
Ah. Seriously, its so retarded haha. Oh and history papers really train ur muscles. Scribbling like mad. History is no time to think one lol you get the paper you just write. IHS is like what, 2 essays in 1 hour 45 mins. History is three short questions (one paragraph answers each), one prepared essay, and one long essay. Same time. And the long essays are like longer than IHS essays. But then again I guess history essays arent so much of argumentative essays like that of IHS or langarts so can bah. Its just really tiring on the hands =/.
Mmm. And the first 3 questions were abit harder than usual imo but still can do la. Haha usually Inference and C&C are like free marks for me (I always screw up OVPL somehow haha) but this time I not sure can get full marks anot.
Yeaup so thats today's paper. To end off, epic screenshot from facebook from yesterday before the history exam.