Haha so went to Trinity @ Adam today instead of DI. Mmm living lives that bring glory to God.
Random: There were a whole bunch of AC first batch IB ppl sitting around me lol.
You know, when you go there, you cant help but make comparisons.
I think the worship at Trinity is pretty good haha but I guess personally for me I was never a fan of special effects and all that I like it to me just me and God so uh cool lightings but yea haha.
Song choice mmm. This is largely personal opinion. I used to be a hillsong freak where I all my favourite songs were hillsong and their rockish style but i've come to appreciate alot the non rockish songs and well from song choice we have 'counting on God', 'from the inside out' and 'you'll come' among them. Anyone who talks to me enough on msn will know how awesomely much I love 'from the inside out' haha but i dunno it always seemed to me like a song you play from youtube and not so much a song u sing in church but well I think thats just because of what im used to so there.
Message was something I already knew but of course it was a helpful reminder. Though I never actually saw those verses in Corinthians in my life oops haha.
Sermon style was rather humourous while yet at the same time serious at the serious parts lol. Its quite short compared to the usual stuff we're used to at DI though haha but then again Si Er's quite long winded heh.
It didnt feel that personal as I do feel it to be in DI but this is likely due to a sudden change in atmosphere lol.
Of course after these comparisons I look like I just made DI seem more awesome so three things DI can improve upon!!
First off, maybe its just the people im with but they're more friendly and all that. Sometimes in DI, we have a tendency to dao new comers other than the cheer and claps. At trinity, the people around us quickly introduced themselves even though we were 'busy in the middle of worship' (yea we were late). Honestly if its your first time, how would you like to be daoed? And in the middle of singing a hymn isnt a very valid excuse when greetings are short and quick and the very act may be considered doing it for the glory of God? Also, I noted that during dinner at a nearby place with my family, some guy whom I dont even remember his face but I suspect prolly sat around me (likely behind) during the service saw me and talked to me a little, introducing himself and all. Mmm. Service is over but it serving continues?
While for me the atmosphere didnt work as well prolly since I was emerged into it for the first time, I noted that many people were very comfortable. During worship, people left their seats to go to the front. Mmm. Can see bags strewn all around. The police would tell you thats a bad idea to leave your stuff unattended like that but trust? In a community of as I quote them 'one of the largest youth groups in Singapore' thats quite a huge number of people. And also, I recall the days back in DI, perhaps REALize camp for one, where people were really passionate and jumping bouncing around in the intro Hosanna? I think its the norm in Trinity =).
And finally, well to be fair Trinity is more in a position to do this since they're ALOT richer and that but I GOT A FREE MUG LUL. Goodie bag. Ok I accept DI's goodie bag its good enough haha but im just saying. What I would highlight more about their newcomers welcome is that after the service automatically a nearby I suspect youth leader, perhaps ranking around DI's eaglets, not the eagles though could be, asked us to go to the third floor and went into a room where there was some small talk and the gospel was preached via the bridge analogy (lol I knew what it was yey). Now, I recall we only do this in camps and major events? I think this is the norm in Trinity too and DEFINITELY a good practice to pick up. At least let the newcomers who are no doubt very blur unless they have done their research to find out what is this church all about and what it all means.
So yea. 3 things DI could learn from Trinity.
And on to the stuff that was said in DI.
No you didnt see that wrongly LOL. I know I wasnt there I checked with other ppl haha.
I dont really have to talk again about those 3 stuffs I mentioned up there right? Ok. Mmm. I think its really true. Many a times we seem to have forgotten that the church is more than just a social gathering. Sure the church IS an awesome social gathering but it is also MORE THAN THAT. Fading away, slipping away sometimes. Meeting friends becomes more important than meeting God. Good music becomes more important than good worship. Ministry is mistaken for doing the work of God. Fellowship is more of a talk cock time then a time of, well, fellowship. Passion is defined as how loud and how much you pray in the short 15 minutes of intercession. Raising of arms becomes more symbolic and cool than it being the act of surrender and lifting up to the Lord.
Of course im not invulnerable. In skits, we love to be funny, but if because of attempts at humour the cost is that we fail to get the message across, what happens? I acknowledge that sometimes I do that. The question we have to ask ourselves. Is the skit for our own entertainment, or is it for God?
And in the words of Weiyang who summarised what Si Er said, "have we forgotten God in christianity?"
Mmm. I guess its something we all have to take note of. For me, I would say that I guess I always noticed it, but you know what, so what if I always noticed?
What have I done to change it?
I remember the joy we share in our expanding rings in DI. You know, the ring used to be 'this sized'. Then afterwards it was 'this sized' and at the end of FFLC it was 'this huge ring that covers the whole room size'. I think FF was the peak. Do we dare take another try now? See what has happened to the ring. In all honestly, I dont think it would have shrank. I think it would have grown. But only slightly.
Numbers arent important some people say, and Si Er talked that down the last time round. Well I've been thinking of this for quite sometime already, pretty much since that day Si Er said it (the day that Weejin flipped lol). Us. Kairos, the God given window of opportunity. Have we been sitting around waiting for that window to open in front of our eyes? Whoever said that the God given window of opportunity was to do that. No. We seek the window. We move in the advancing faith, advancing mentality and claim that victory, we MAKE the God given window of opportunity. But have we been doing that? If im not wrong, the very last 'permanent' member of Kairos was Geng Jie. That was FF. 10 months ago. Going back 10 months before Geng Jie, how many people were there? Compare the differences between the 10 months before and the 10 months after and see it. In fact I wasnt there 10 months before Geng Jie.
I could of course come up with excuses like mine is really tough but really, is that all I've got?
You know, Kairos was once the pride and joy of DI. We were the ones who were really passionate and doing so much. Si Er saw the potential. I think we may have disappointed him. Disappointed others. Disappointed God.
So, question. As X-Factor draws close, what are we going to do?
Are we still going to sit around and wait, or are we going right in there, into this battlefield. Who still remembers the Warrior's Manual. I still keep it, I still look through it. Its time to move.
Stir up. Playing a stalling game with the enemy is playing a losing game. Move in the power of the Spirit. We are, God Chasers, Heart Joiners, Light Givers, Destiny Impactors.
We're gonna impact this generation,
Living out the power of your passion,
We will go,
We'll sweep across the nation.
We'll lead this generation,
Hollering the songs of liberation,
Cause you Lord,
You're our one desire.
And we are yours.