Being sure that something wont happen, preparing yourself for it not happening so that it wont make such an impact, and then it DOES happen, and ur like wait what but I prepared for the OTHER situation now what am I supposed to do.
And on one hand you're like 'oh yay it did happen' and on the other hand you're like 'oh for goodness sake damnnit'.
Lets have an example. Like say, you studied really hard for a test (lul exams over), and then when the test comes you dread it, then suddenly, test canceled. Do you jump for joy for not having to take the exam or would you be like 'sian la wahlao I studied so hard then no test'.
Not a perfect example. I could think of better examples but im not using them coz they goes too close to the actual situation. Anyway for the above example its a preparing for something to happen then it didnt. Opposite here. Preparing for something NOT to happen and then it did.
Its a seemingly small thing of course, but it matters different amounts to different people. Heck to many people it would be something thats forgotten in a minute. I guess you really have to look at whats been happening.
So here I stand, thinking to myself, 'wait, so am I happy it did or not, do i rather it did happen or it didnt'.
Honestly, I have no idea.