Well I dont know about all of you but as for me, these past few days (including when I was at Bali lol) were really a reminder of the reality of Spiritual Warfare. I found it quite hard to really reach out to God during my QT, like it was difficult to concentrate, to focus and fix my eyes upon God and all that. Or I could be pretty awake the entire day but when its time to seek God I start to suddenly feel drained of energy and feel kinda 'sian'.
This is rather, annoying, for the lack of a better word. Theres this conflict within you that while part of you knows the importance of QT, the other part just prevents you from following it through properly and for me sometimes I just have this thought that since I cant even focus, cant even pray, I feel like im forcing myself when QT is supposed to be a great and refreshing experience, but now I cant even really 'connect' with God, whats the point?
Well just now that feeling came over me again when I tried to seek God but I remembered something I read in Everyday With Jesus - Armor of God just about a week ago. Satan is not stupid. In fact, hes a strategist. If every single day of our lives, we were to come under Satanic attack, sooner or later we would build up strong immunity to it, something that he obviously does not want. Hence, it is more likely that Satan would choose to leave us alone most of the time and then attack the children of God during crucial moments.
So when I remembered this, I realised that perhaps because many events are drawing close, such as X-Factor, Satan would want to pull me away from God as much as possible, to discourage me such that I would not be able to do the work of God during these important times. With this knowledge, I realised that the very presence of these Satanic attacks that were meant to discourage can be taken around to be an encouragement because of the fact that I know the reason why Satan would want to attack me is because he is afraid of what I am about to do and is trying to stop it.
Knowing this, I decided that hey, Im not going to be defeated, so I pressed on with QT and while it was a little tough at the start, after awhile I could really feel the presence of God. To cut the long story short, it was a wonderful time spent with God =).
So to all impactors out there who actually read my blog (its on facebook and should be approved on DI's website as well), this year end, let us really go all out for God. Though it might seem tough, discouraging or tiresome at times, I guess we just have to pesevere in our prayers and efforts in reaching out. Put on the full armor of God, in particular here, the shield of faith, and we will not be destroyed by the fiery darts, for the God we trust in is wayyyyyyyy bigger (and a better strategist) than Satan can ever be ^^.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
This is rather, annoying, for the lack of a better word. Theres this conflict within you that while part of you knows the importance of QT, the other part just prevents you from following it through properly and for me sometimes I just have this thought that since I cant even focus, cant even pray, I feel like im forcing myself when QT is supposed to be a great and refreshing experience, but now I cant even really 'connect' with God, whats the point?
Well just now that feeling came over me again when I tried to seek God but I remembered something I read in Everyday With Jesus - Armor of God just about a week ago. Satan is not stupid. In fact, hes a strategist. If every single day of our lives, we were to come under Satanic attack, sooner or later we would build up strong immunity to it, something that he obviously does not want. Hence, it is more likely that Satan would choose to leave us alone most of the time and then attack the children of God during crucial moments.
So when I remembered this, I realised that perhaps because many events are drawing close, such as X-Factor, Satan would want to pull me away from God as much as possible, to discourage me such that I would not be able to do the work of God during these important times. With this knowledge, I realised that the very presence of these Satanic attacks that were meant to discourage can be taken around to be an encouragement because of the fact that I know the reason why Satan would want to attack me is because he is afraid of what I am about to do and is trying to stop it.
Knowing this, I decided that hey, Im not going to be defeated, so I pressed on with QT and while it was a little tough at the start, after awhile I could really feel the presence of God. To cut the long story short, it was a wonderful time spent with God =).
So to all impactors out there who actually read my blog (its on facebook and should be approved on DI's website as well), this year end, let us really go all out for God. Though it might seem tough, discouraging or tiresome at times, I guess we just have to pesevere in our prayers and efforts in reaching out. Put on the full armor of God, in particular here, the shield of faith, and we will not be destroyed by the fiery darts, for the God we trust in is wayyyyyyyy bigger (and a better strategist) than Satan can ever be ^^.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9