Ah heck since we got started with that thing in the brackets already lets talk about that first before going on to other stuff.
I think I have one major problem. In areas that I have no problem with, in areas of my life that I have under control, sometimes I have the tendency to look upon others who may not be as successful in managing those things and be critical when they fail to handle it. I only do it to people whom I consider myself closer to though I dont go about criticizing just everyone lol.
But fact remains that when I achieve a certain standard in an area of my life, I have a tendency to expect that others at least past a minimum mark. Not a healthy habit I admit. And luckily or unluckily for me, no one would criticize me of this problem because the one who handles well obviously wouldnt be poking at me and the one who doesnt wont do it because we are the same.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
- Matthew 7:1-5
Did God who is perfect in all areas criticize me for my failures? Nope. Perhaps something I can learn. I think honestly that im very aware of this issue of mine so I kinda changed my style -.-. It used to be straightforward criticism like 'eh damn you wahlao stupid or what' now it changes to some argument presented on why that is wrong and how it should be corrected. Which still isnt right actually. Its just kinda makes me feel like im 'educating' someone rather than 'scolding'.
Hmm. Need to be more alert about this issue.
Alright so thats the stuff in brackets that I wasnt intending to talk about but ended up doing so anyway.
Aw darn it.
I just realised I dont actually have much to say, or much I want to say about the other issue. Or much I can say. Or whatever.
Oh darn it zzz.
I realised there is nothing I can comment about that issue here.
Ok I can, but I dont want to coz I dont want to say too much about myself on a public blog.
Ehh so there you go! A post that was actually originally intended to be about a particular blog post I read on someone's blog in which some elements from the conversation with Eugene could be been added in but ended up being a totally different post!
I'll give a really subtle clue that only a few CAN get it and perhaps none will.
Wahliew. My picture WAS appropriate lor.
Ninja update: Well thats one thing different. And it makes a great deal of difference for me. I think its just really such a huge comparison from the previous. Ah well. Retarded as the core of the issue is, I think sometimes these small things that bring a smile to you make it all worth it.