Hey look a smiley for a title. Haha I refuse to write 'rawr' or 'hai' =p.

Shifted Reality has really really awesome pics.
Anyway, today would probably be the most interesting day of school so far. Sudoku would have been fun for those who enjoy it and okish for people like me who fail and cannot even complete one (I insist that they were tough). Better than boring lectures anyway haha. English A1 was more sian but I made the effort to stay awake and I did okay!! Then uh recess, then back to the LT for 2 more lectures.
After today's Econs lecture I pretty much decided to take Econs over History haha. So my subject combi would be HL: B&M, Econs, Math, SL: Physics, English A1, Chinese B. All 3 lecturers didnt sound boring so thats good, and the things they talk about are things that interest me. Econs is like, the closest thing to psychology now haha. Still quite far but who ask the school never offer it lol.
The tulip mania thing was win =p. Well not so win for the people who got pwned but yea. And if you have no idea what it is, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania is the way to go. Basically, in summary, Everyone likes tulip bulbs, everyone wants tulip bulbs, not enough tulip bulbs to go around, demand wayyy higher than supply, price escalates, supply catches up, people start ditching their tulip bulbs, prices crash.
Heres a graph to show how mad it was. I pity the guy who buys at the start of Feb. Haha it doesnt show up properly on the blog so just click it.
Its like omigosh?
At its peak people were trading like up to things like four fat oxen/eight fat swine/twelve fat sheep/four turns of beer/two tons of butter/1000 pounds of cheese/a complete bed for ONE TULIP BULB. Madness. But thats what happens with the stock market now. Thats how economic crisis happens. Its logical to buy and sell later at a higher price to earn a quick profit but it causes THAT.
So yups. Last lecture was on TOK which is WAYYYY better than the first TOK lecture and prolly the best lecture today. Started off with some amusing stuff and then we were shown a video 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?' which kinda questions alot of stuff which TOK does all the time haha. Dunnid to go so cheem into the quantum physics and alternate realities stuff but at basic level, I thought the matter thing was quite interesting haha. Two of them, first one being the fact that matter is mostly empty space, so much so that the parts which are not empty are actually negligible. Second one is the electrons haha. When two objects are in contact, they arent actually in contact but the electrons repel them from each other, so nothing ever actually touches anything. Not to forget MANTA STYLE BASKETBALL BOY!!
Oh KSK talked abit about what we see also haha, we see everything around us, its real to us, but everything we see actually only exists in our minds where the brain interprets the signal from the eyes. Though perhaps we can conclude that what our minds picture is real, the fact is that we arent really 'seeing' with our eyes but rather its all in our head.
Mmm so thats TOK. I hope they give a B&M lecture in the next humanities slot and not Geography lol. They need to tell us more about B&M rawr.
Mmm yup. To end of this post, heres a song that came to me recently, I recall hearing it in Gideon's blog. It doesnt sound spectacular, in fact it might sound quite 'boring', but its a simple cry from the heart.
I am Yours, you are mine
I refuse to be denied
All of You is my heart's cry
I refuse to be denied
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
Though I'm weak, though I'm dry
I refuse to be denied
All my life, a sacrifice
I refuse to be denied
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
Shifted Reality has really really awesome pics.
Anyway, today would probably be the most interesting day of school so far. Sudoku would have been fun for those who enjoy it and okish for people like me who fail and cannot even complete one (I insist that they were tough). Better than boring lectures anyway haha. English A1 was more sian but I made the effort to stay awake and I did okay!! Then uh recess, then back to the LT for 2 more lectures.
After today's Econs lecture I pretty much decided to take Econs over History haha. So my subject combi would be HL: B&M, Econs, Math, SL: Physics, English A1, Chinese B. All 3 lecturers didnt sound boring so thats good, and the things they talk about are things that interest me. Econs is like, the closest thing to psychology now haha. Still quite far but who ask the school never offer it lol.
The tulip mania thing was win =p. Well not so win for the people who got pwned but yea. And if you have no idea what it is, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania is the way to go. Basically, in summary, Everyone likes tulip bulbs, everyone wants tulip bulbs, not enough tulip bulbs to go around, demand wayyy higher than supply, price escalates, supply catches up, people start ditching their tulip bulbs, prices crash.
Heres a graph to show how mad it was. I pity the guy who buys at the start of Feb. Haha it doesnt show up properly on the blog so just click it.
At its peak people were trading like up to things like four fat oxen/eight fat swine/twelve fat sheep/four turns of beer/two tons of butter/1000 pounds of cheese/a complete bed for ONE TULIP BULB. Madness. But thats what happens with the stock market now. Thats how economic crisis happens. Its logical to buy and sell later at a higher price to earn a quick profit but it causes THAT.
So yups. Last lecture was on TOK which is WAYYYY better than the first TOK lecture and prolly the best lecture today. Started off with some amusing stuff and then we were shown a video 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?' which kinda questions alot of stuff which TOK does all the time haha. Dunnid to go so cheem into the quantum physics and alternate realities stuff but at basic level, I thought the matter thing was quite interesting haha. Two of them, first one being the fact that matter is mostly empty space, so much so that the parts which are not empty are actually negligible. Second one is the electrons haha. When two objects are in contact, they arent actually in contact but the electrons repel them from each other, so nothing ever actually touches anything. Not to forget MANTA STYLE BASKETBALL BOY!!
Oh KSK talked abit about what we see also haha, we see everything around us, its real to us, but everything we see actually only exists in our minds where the brain interprets the signal from the eyes. Though perhaps we can conclude that what our minds picture is real, the fact is that we arent really 'seeing' with our eyes but rather its all in our head.
Mmm so thats TOK. I hope they give a B&M lecture in the next humanities slot and not Geography lol. They need to tell us more about B&M rawr.
Mmm yup. To end of this post, heres a song that came to me recently, I recall hearing it in Gideon's blog. It doesnt sound spectacular, in fact it might sound quite 'boring', but its a simple cry from the heart.
I am Yours, you are mine
I refuse to be denied
All of You is my heart's cry
I refuse to be denied
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
Though I'm weak, though I'm dry
I refuse to be denied
All my life, a sacrifice
I refuse to be denied
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you
I'm coming after you