After being away from school for 2 and a half months, now suddenly immersed back into it, its not easy.
And im not talking about workload or waking up early or anything. Its just that after 2 and a half months in a 'retreat', now I feel like im being submerged into a secular environment and its threatening to consume me.
Nothing so far of course 2 days don't do much to you but its just something that I foresee potentially.
A school that was once proud to be 'a beacon of truth and light' today feels like a land of dead faith.
And if anything, I dont want dead faith in my life. Faith is, powerful. Dead faith is nothing, its no faith at all. But I am afraid that over time, the culture and all may hit me once again and pull me into it.
But for now, I know God is with me.
May I live my life as a true Destiny Impactor, advancing your kingdom. No matter what, I choose to be different, I am the light of the world, and the light I choose to shine will be a light that glorifies Your name.
Heres something related to what I said above. I first heard this song on Sophia's blog (yea im slow) and its a song that I liked the moment I heard it and kept growing my interest. Nice and meaningful. Usually what makes me love a song =). But each song I love is different, and for Point Of Difference, its my call, its my lifesong. Just like how I attribute the song Run to being God Chasers, I attribute Point Of Difference to being Light Givers (interesting that they both have the element of the 'wildfire' thing that I often talk about ^^). I dont want to just like this song. I want to live it.
The tide is turning
This is redemption's hour
In the midst of the world lost for love
You are all we have now
The lost returning
Salvation is all around
In the midst of the world broken down
You are all we have now
For You are God and this hope is ours
So Father open the skies
Flood the Earth with your light
This is love, to break a world indifferent
Our hearts are burning
The fire that won't burn out
In the midst of a world that's grown cold
You are all we have now
The earth resounding
The anthem of your renown
As we lift up our eyes
And look to your glory
Call us out let the world see
You are God and this hope is ours
So call us out, let the world see
You are God as we sing
Open the skies
Flood the Earth with your light
This is love to break a world indifferent
As we lift up our eyes
Fill our hearts with your fire
In a world the same we'll be the difference, the difference
So call us out let the world see
You are God and this hope is ours
Our eyes are open
Every chain now broken
In this world we are different
Let your love become us
As we live to make you famous
We're in this world but we are different
So call us out, let the world see
You are God as we sing
Father open the skies
Flood the Earth with your life
This is love to break a world indifferent
As we lift up our eyes
Fill our hearts with your fire
In a world the same we'll be the difference, the difference
So call us out let the world see
You are God one and only
In this world you are all we have now