Love doctor ReZ is here today after suddenly being so inspired while bathing!!
Today being the day after valentines day and me being completely random, here are some thoughts I have about romantic love!! =D
But before we begin, please note that Dr ReZ is a terrible source of advice for such things. In fact, his failure can be seen from such:

Sigh. Lets move on.
Ok time to dive *ahha see a pun on the water theme* straight into it!! Today I shall talk about 3 common myths related to lurveeee!!

1) Love at first sight
A common facebook quiz question!! "Do you believe in love at first sight"? What do you think?
Well for this, my answer is a resounding NO!
Because you see, it is actually impossible. You cant love someone you dont know. Sure maybe you can love that poor starving kid in africa and donate some money but thats because you can empathize with him.
That feeling of attraction when you see someone for the first time is called a crush. Its perfectly logical. I mean come on guys. This issue isnt even worth debating anymore science has proven it. You know when you see someone 'cute' and the chemicals in your brain start working? CRUSHHHH.
"But there have been cases that have worked out so its true!!"
WRONG!! Cases that have worked out would be because what starts out as a crush can develop. Therefore it is possible that in the end there was love there but initially no matter what you say, it was not love stop lying to yourself.
So please guys and gals. The next time your heart skips a beat when you see someone for the first time, dont start thinking 'ohmegoshhhh I think im in lurrrvvveeeeee...' coz THATS A LIE!!

2) True love does not exist
"Its true!! Look at all the heart broken people in the world!!"
Well I suppose it depends on how you define true love. But before that, to all those people who use the above reasoning, I'll say look at the number of happy couples in the world!! Is there at least one? Oh joy then you found a specimen!!
If, by true love you mean like, perfection, then you're in the wrong place please try heaven its a much nicer place for that.
Other than that, if you mean a couple who truly care for one another and love one another, then I'll say it does exist, BUT its not some magical formula where two people were just, woah, 'made for each other'.
True love isnt about a warm fuzzy feeling. Its takes commitment, sacrifice and all that. Try to seek true love without those and you'll never find it.
The world has so often made love seem like its some powerful emotion but really, the emotion is but a part of it, the attachment part. True love encompasses more than that. The feeling alone is not love.
And for you who 'cant seem to get over that person therefore I know im in love', try reading up on limerence. Go. Go read it up now. And realise that like 99% of the world out there, YOU HAVE OCD!! (It means obsessive–compulsive disorder just in case you didnt know)
I think everyone should read up on limerence so I can stop seeing so many people talk about their broken hearts. INTRUSIVE THINKING LUL.

3) Opposites attract
Do you see what was doing there? Oh man im shattering apart the average pop culture definition of love. But you know what guys, its pop culture, its a LIE!!
Someone say amen!! Eh wait wrong place for that. Nvm.
Now this third one is just my own opinion nothing proven or whatsoever but I think it makes alot of sense.
Some people say opposites attract and some people talk about the importance of similarities and thus compatibility. Which one is true then? They cant be both true can they?
Well imo, they CAN both be true but you have to reconsider 'why' for one of them.
I'll talk about the one that I think its true without reconsideration first, which is the similarities. You see, you cant get along with someone who has a different value system from you. It just doesnt work out. You cant get along with someone who has different beliefs, different approach to life. Maybe as friends or acquaintances but not with someone who you are going to spend your life with. This should be pretty obvious.
Why do I say the other one as well then? And what is the 'why' we have to consider?
Well, I suppose if I were to mention 'opposites attract', one would just think of magnets and stuff like that, how they attract because they are opposite and nothing else, but that not how it works in this case.
Personally, I feel that opposites dont attract. But sometimes it looks as if it does but in reality, its similarities between values and desires which are not so apparent on the outside.
Dont understand? Let me give you an example. Perhaps a loud, buff guy might like this nice, quiet girl and vice versa. Are their behaviors similar? No of course not. Why then?
It is highly plausible that this loud, buff guy may be naturally behaving as such, but within him, he has a desire for serenity and peace. Its something that is missing in his life that he WANTS. And this nice, quiet girl has it. So even though they are quite different, they are in reality, quite similar!! Similarly, the girl might desire adventure but doesnt know how to go about doing it and this loud, buff guy has something that she wishes she had within herself.
So in short, when opposites attract, it is because they have something that they hope to have in their lives within the other person. Now, if the loud, buff guy doesnt give a hoot about peace and serenity, then I would think that it is quite impossible for them to click. Crush maybe but anything long term, no.
So perhaps you troubled teens of today's society, examine yourselves. Analyze everything carefully and in an unbiased manner. I think its worth doing so sure saves you a heck load of trouble.
And I discriminate against the little kids who try to get together for the thrill and fun of relationships. STOP RUINING SOCIETY EVEN FURTHER MAN!! Worse still, dont complain of a broken heart later.
Tough message maybe, especially since valentine's day is so often associated with sweet stuff but ah whatever. Valentine's day is another man made thing.
So this is Dr ReZ, the one who is not so expert in love but is willing to give you something to think about.
But before signing off, lets not be so mean and end this valentine's day message like that. Lets end with a song!!
But no thank you, no lousy songs about crushes and broken hearts. Or that FEELS LIKE INSOMNIA WOAH AH AH~ which also feels totally like limerence at the same time. Lets have a sweet love song!!
Credits to Lighthouse Zoe for singing this song on DI's 2nd birthday =D. This is Dr ReZ, signing off (and probably never returning again, or at least for a looonnnggggg looonnnggggg time).
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now I'm just rollin' home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you
Today being the day after valentines day and me being completely random, here are some thoughts I have about romantic love!! =D
But before we begin, please note that Dr ReZ is a terrible source of advice for such things. In fact, his failure can be seen from such:

Sigh. Lets move on.
Ok time to dive *ahha see a pun on the water theme* straight into it!! Today I shall talk about 3 common myths related to lurveeee!!
1) Love at first sight
A common facebook quiz question!! "Do you believe in love at first sight"? What do you think?
Well for this, my answer is a resounding NO!
Because you see, it is actually impossible. You cant love someone you dont know. Sure maybe you can love that poor starving kid in africa and donate some money but thats because you can empathize with him.
That feeling of attraction when you see someone for the first time is called a crush. Its perfectly logical. I mean come on guys. This issue isnt even worth debating anymore science has proven it. You know when you see someone 'cute' and the chemicals in your brain start working? CRUSHHHH.
"But there have been cases that have worked out so its true!!"
WRONG!! Cases that have worked out would be because what starts out as a crush can develop. Therefore it is possible that in the end there was love there but initially no matter what you say, it was not love stop lying to yourself.
So please guys and gals. The next time your heart skips a beat when you see someone for the first time, dont start thinking 'ohmegoshhhh I think im in lurrrvvveeeeee...' coz THATS A LIE!!
2) True love does not exist
"Its true!! Look at all the heart broken people in the world!!"
Well I suppose it depends on how you define true love. But before that, to all those people who use the above reasoning, I'll say look at the number of happy couples in the world!! Is there at least one? Oh joy then you found a specimen!!
If, by true love you mean like, perfection, then you're in the wrong place please try heaven its a much nicer place for that.
Other than that, if you mean a couple who truly care for one another and love one another, then I'll say it does exist, BUT its not some magical formula where two people were just, woah, 'made for each other'.
True love isnt about a warm fuzzy feeling. Its takes commitment, sacrifice and all that. Try to seek true love without those and you'll never find it.
The world has so often made love seem like its some powerful emotion but really, the emotion is but a part of it, the attachment part. True love encompasses more than that. The feeling alone is not love.
And for you who 'cant seem to get over that person therefore I know im in love', try reading up on limerence. Go. Go read it up now. And realise that like 99% of the world out there, YOU HAVE OCD!! (It means obsessive–compulsive disorder just in case you didnt know)
I think everyone should read up on limerence so I can stop seeing so many people talk about their broken hearts. INTRUSIVE THINKING LUL.
3) Opposites attract
Do you see what was doing there? Oh man im shattering apart the average pop culture definition of love. But you know what guys, its pop culture, its a LIE!!
Someone say amen!! Eh wait wrong place for that. Nvm.
Now this third one is just my own opinion nothing proven or whatsoever but I think it makes alot of sense.
Some people say opposites attract and some people talk about the importance of similarities and thus compatibility. Which one is true then? They cant be both true can they?
Well imo, they CAN both be true but you have to reconsider 'why' for one of them.
I'll talk about the one that I think its true without reconsideration first, which is the similarities. You see, you cant get along with someone who has a different value system from you. It just doesnt work out. You cant get along with someone who has different beliefs, different approach to life. Maybe as friends or acquaintances but not with someone who you are going to spend your life with. This should be pretty obvious.
Why do I say the other one as well then? And what is the 'why' we have to consider?
Well, I suppose if I were to mention 'opposites attract', one would just think of magnets and stuff like that, how they attract because they are opposite and nothing else, but that not how it works in this case.
Personally, I feel that opposites dont attract. But sometimes it looks as if it does but in reality, its similarities between values and desires which are not so apparent on the outside.
Dont understand? Let me give you an example. Perhaps a loud, buff guy might like this nice, quiet girl and vice versa. Are their behaviors similar? No of course not. Why then?
It is highly plausible that this loud, buff guy may be naturally behaving as such, but within him, he has a desire for serenity and peace. Its something that is missing in his life that he WANTS. And this nice, quiet girl has it. So even though they are quite different, they are in reality, quite similar!! Similarly, the girl might desire adventure but doesnt know how to go about doing it and this loud, buff guy has something that she wishes she had within herself.
So in short, when opposites attract, it is because they have something that they hope to have in their lives within the other person. Now, if the loud, buff guy doesnt give a hoot about peace and serenity, then I would think that it is quite impossible for them to click. Crush maybe but anything long term, no.
So perhaps you troubled teens of today's society, examine yourselves. Analyze everything carefully and in an unbiased manner. I think its worth doing so sure saves you a heck load of trouble.
And I discriminate against the little kids who try to get together for the thrill and fun of relationships. STOP RUINING SOCIETY EVEN FURTHER MAN!! Worse still, dont complain of a broken heart later.
Tough message maybe, especially since valentine's day is so often associated with sweet stuff but ah whatever. Valentine's day is another man made thing.
So this is Dr ReZ, the one who is not so expert in love but is willing to give you something to think about.
But before signing off, lets not be so mean and end this valentine's day message like that. Lets end with a song!!
But no thank you, no lousy songs about crushes and broken hearts. Or that FEELS LIKE INSOMNIA WOAH AH AH~ which also feels totally like limerence at the same time. Lets have a sweet love song!!
Credits to Lighthouse Zoe for singing this song on DI's 2nd birthday =D. This is Dr ReZ, signing off (and probably never returning again, or at least for a looonnnggggg looonnnggggg time).
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now I'm just rollin' home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you