Take away for today

Someone said today: "you can't take your own tolerance and expect others to be as tolerant as you".

Or applying it in other situations as well, everyone has different value systems. What you are passionate about and believe in may be quite different for another. Certain things irk people but are fine with others, certain people places importance in some things in life while others not so much. In a way, like the English proverb 'one man's meat is another man's poison'. An example in my life would be how I dislike the herd mentality, where people just keep following one another and nothing gets done. It irks me, but to some other people, when I try to take control of the situation and give direction, it may come across as domineering.

So, as we interact with different people, I suppose we really need to understand how they work. If not, we might end up unintentionally offending other people and stuffs like that.