Have you wondered what it would be like to go away to another place where no one knows you?
Perhaps, to just go to one of those slums in a poor country and serve the needy.
Perhaps to take a camera and just travel the world by yourself capturing the beauty of God's creation.
Perhaps to visit America and walk though the towns and cities just to observe the human life.
But you arent allowed to do anything you want. Sometimes money is the limiting factor, but more powerfully, its the people around you that wont let you go.
So maybe we'll just keep dreaming.
But life is pretty meaningless sometimes, entrapped by what society has made you to be.
There is no caste system here. The country we live in believes in meritocracy. But in the pursuit of growth and success, we lose our lives. But then again, if we dont chase after these things, we'll fall behind and the world will consume us till we are nothing.
Democracy. Capitalism. Meritocracy. Terrible forms of government. But they are also the ones that give the most success. And all the world is measured by is success. One that does not succeed falls behind. And ultimately we all have to embrace this type of living whether we like it or not because if we dont, we cant do anything anyway.
Life is full or wonder, life is full of miracles. But our lives, how many of our lives are meaningless.
My life is meaningless. Most of it at least, I find alot of joy in some things.
For one, I think im actually starting to enjoy working with Beyond Social Services. But in a selfish way, not because I like to see people happy because I cant really empathize with them, more so because, I feel like im doing something with my life.
But some other things choke me. And im not just talking about work. Relations. People. Sometimes people are tiring. Even friends.
Maybe thats why I want to go to a place where no one knows me.
People are foolish. Thats what I observe in the human life after so long. I am foolish. So many of us live our lives with no real purpose (im not talking to you if you think you have a purpose).
Im going to make a sweeping statement but, if you dont think philosophy (of whatever kind) is interesting, you probably havnt thought much about why you are even living. Why you exist.
I like psychology too. It helps me see why people are foolish. And it gives me reason to say that perhaps this foolishness isnt all that bad. Many people would often say they rather have the truth than sweet lies. But sometimes if you really examine your life, you would realise that you build it on lies, but they are comforting. Its how we all cope with life. Reality is a terrible haunting landscape if you really dig deep into it.
But I digress.
Life is a set menu. Its not an ala carte to pick and choose. We cant always have what we want.
So till then, we press on.
Maybe one day. Just maybe. We will all break free.