Nice picture right!! Haha I used the interesting pics in the last 7 days on flickr. But I still dunno how to get specific ones =/.
I was just reminded of the IB thing on shared humanity. I too find all the IB things very annoying, the learner profile all those are quite irritating lol, but to be honest I think to a certain extent WOW actually succeeded in this aspect.
But anyway, its not WOW that made me think of it. I think the idea of shared humanity is interesting. And I do want to be able to do my part to make life better for others. We all go through the same human suffering, and perhaps we having understood it, should do our parts to make life a little better for others.
The gift of healing. It was a couple of weeks back that we had a message on spiritual gifts. You know, having the ability to heal someone's physical issues would be like so cool and all that, and perhaps when I think about it, its precisely why I wouldnt want such a gift. Its like, you're a miracle man. It would make you proud.
Emotional healing on the other hand, is subtle. Its hardly noticed, its certainly not grand. But it makes a difference, sometimes perhaps even more than physical healing can ever do. Remember in the Bible when the 10 lepers were healed but only one came back to give thanks? It does make you think about the flawed nature of humanity, and perhaps how we are so much more emotional beings than physical beings.
My thought processes are jumping around dont mind me. I was writing the reflections thing yesterday for TOK and it was related to the idea of logic and emotion. TOK lecture today talked about it as well (heh though I think mine more in depth wheee) and its true. Emotions, when it comes to living life, I suppose emotions are way more important than logic can ever be.
If physical healing is creating a huge miracle. Emotional healing would be your little unseen miracles in life. And you're probably gonna make a bigger impact on the world by compassion than by power. Stalin once said something like 'how many divisions has the pope?' in contempt towards the Church, but it wasnt armies that downed the Berlin Wall or collapsed so Soviet Union.
Perhaps, I want to be someone who will make a difference in the lives of others. Showing love that others may feel loved. Grace, to the people who so desperately hunger for it but cannot find it in this world. Acceptance, for we all want to know we have a place in this world. Appreciation, finding that what we have done is worthwhile, has meaning.
I say these with a personal touch. For I too am one who needs love, grace, acceptance, appreciation. We all do. Sometimes its hard to find it, as if we have to compromise our standards in order to receive it as the world dictates. Yet, Ive been reading up articles, how to receive it and how to dispense it.
I know I can.
Also, I need to remind myself to be in constant prayer instead of just leaving it to a set time. Pray unceasingly, at all times in all occasions. Sometimes, it helps you to always remember your purpose in life.
I realise I use a different accent and sometimes even vocabulary when im using my speech differently lol. Casual communication I use one, the one thats the most Singaporean. Formal speeches and presentation I start to use more correct language, then my accent becomes more English lol. During prayer, I realise my accent changes also lol. And I can get very English lol. Speaking like Brian Conner. So cool its automatic lor. Im atas =p.
Live high is an interesting song. I dont find the music very nice, I dont find the lyrics like super meaningful and applicable to my life, but its very philosophical and conveys his thoughts. A thinker's words. Heh respect points for Jason Mraz for writing this song.
Anyone wants to play gunbound this school holidays? =D
I know we dont have much time but I dunno, somehow I miss the a.sates, grubs and nak machines =p. At least gunbound isnt a level up get items to be pro thing, its as long as you play on the no equipment areas.
Lalala. Told you these were ramblings.