Wheelchairs and air mattresses.
I thought 4.11 was mad but now im in 5.13.
Seriously, I dont know why I get all the crazy classes, especially when im not, but it sure provides a heck load of laughter.
Oh, and the mattresses is a good place to sleep too =).
When I heard this song on my ipod today, it felt so nostalgic.
People change.
This was my Myer-Briggs type indicator two years ago.

And this is mine now.

Just take a look at my results two years ago and now.
Actually, I think its pretty cool that my Feeling is still identical and my Judging is almost the same lol.
I wouldn't claim the test to be entirely accurate though, it only has two options to choose from and only 70+ questions. Also, I did another Myer-Briggs test the other day and I think it was also INFJ (though the last one might have been a P), but my I was on the exact 50% mark for that test. Hmm.
Then again, its the best free test you can get around lol. You cant expect that much from free tests, do a +/- 10% maybe =p.
Its funny. Both PersonalDNA and Myer-Briggs say I have high levels of empathy. I think a number of people will dispute that lol. Maybe it has to do with the judging trait heh.
Also, I could never quite answer thinking/feeling questions. I stared at the head/heart question for quite some time and now I dont even remember what I picked in the end. But I guess thats reflected in my almost 50% placing haha.
Now for this one.

I'll accept the other half but no, not the mathematical part xD.
But srsly, I click the more info part about my highest trait and it just doesnt seem to fit me at all o.o.
The other two are fine though. In fact the second one is pretty close and also agrees with my myer-briggs results lol.