Well its been a pretty long day, haha I was out for 12 hours or so =p. Well im not going to talk about everything that happened today, shall just touch on some of them =).
In regards to the movie: HAHA I KNEW IT I WAS SO CONFIDENT OF IT KAY. Ok fine it was pretty obvious to many but still HAHA. Oh and I knew what the cheque was too hehe =p.
Haha shant say more, I shan't be a spoiler, but seriously I dont know why so many people say its a bad movie. Its pretty good imo. I dont know, maybe because its supposedly an action thriller film but there wasnt much action and that disappointed people who wanted to watch a movie like that. I like this though, like a review that I read while hunting for that picture above pointed out, the movie was kinda different, it focused more on the relationship between the characters rather than gunfights and things like that. The climax of the movie wasn't so much a boss fight showdown as pretty much every other action movie is, and I do quite like that.
Frankly speaking, I would prefer that. Im not so much an adrenaline junkie when it comes to movies really. I'd like a plot that is interesting, different from everything we see all the time. Not just I kill you and you kill me mindlessly. I felt that the characters in the movie were pretty well developed and quite unlike other action films where the protagonist was often pretty straightforward.
Yes yes yes, some parts don't make sense, but hey its hollywood. Its not supposed to =p.
Its not the best movie I've watch certainly, but its pretty good imo and worth watching.
Oh and starbucks white choc thingy is REALLY GOOD haha!! Its really ex though =(.
Haha in the time between XD with joshua and meeting 6jk05, I went shopping with ch and yf. Its quite amusing because we spent two hours walking around and I only bought one item from a huge list of things I hoped to get, but after that later at night after the movie in half an hour I got alot of the other things hehe. Shant elaborate much on it but it was quite amusing.
I thought something was really cool though. I actually spent all my cash today. I brought out like almost a hundred bucks but by the end of the day I cleared almost everything. Haha I even got yf to come out of his house at night and went to borrow 1 buck from him (which I eventually didn't use coz the store closed heh).
Something really cool though, I was smsing some people telling them how I heart pain coz all my money gone. When I reached home and opened the door, my mom was in the hall watching tv and the first thing I said was 'wah I tell you I just went bankrupt today', then she turned around to me and told me 'blessed to be a blessing, I just got my bonus so you and your bro both get 100 bucks'.
Before anyone gets jealous about me getting a free 100 bucks, I must say, really to me at the moment, I started smiling and stuff haha, funny, after talking about heart pain about the money spent, it all comes back to me again. I love my mom and I love my God =).
Later she tries to push more money to me (I took some money from her previously to buy books for school but I didnt use most of it so I was returning to her but she wanted me to keep it to buy my stuff haha) and its quite funny, in my house things work the opposite as they do with most families. My mom tries to give me money, im the one turning her down heh. Really though, there isnt a point in doing what I do if it cost me nothing doesnt it =p.
Things like these are small incidents that remind me on how things can simply work out wonderfully. Most of us really dont expect to have money pop out of nowhere, I dont either, and these things just remind me of the unexpected ways in which God can work.
I really do feel quite joyful, and one of the reasons is this. Today it was as if God multiplied both my time and money, and these are things that are really quite beyond our control when it comes to having more of them aint it haha.
I may not have accomplished any work today, but I felt that it was all worth it. I accomplished other things that are more important than that.
Other things that have been happening do make me feel joyful too certainly. The year didn't start too well for me, but quickly I am seeing the first rays of light in the breaking of dawn. And though all these, I just know that everything won't just be alright, it will be great, it will be amazing.
Its a new era in my life that is being ushered in. When the new year began, I was reminded of bynes' words that it felt like the same old year because everything continues on into the new year, same troubles, same problems and all. For me, some things have been so in my life since years ago.
Now, I see one of it slowly melting away. As I trust and hope in God, he makes a way, and He does it in a way that I don't expect, and it really makes me smile. I learn lessons in life that I never even thought about before, things that I thought I already knew. It was the driving force to my resolutions of these year, resolutions that because of this shift in my mindset are being carried out very successfully so far.
Even as some things get resolved, I find that I am gaining confidence in Him for the rest of the things in my life as well. I remember the candle I held during X-Factor, the prayers I lifted up to Him. I am still waiting for one of the three prayers to be answered (the other two are ^^), one that I have yet to see the signs of an arriving morning, and though sometimes it seems hard, sometimes I dare not speak in faith that it will be alright, now I feel convicted that it really will be.
Life is good. God is good.
To all of you out there, know this, He reigns. Put your faith in Him.
Faith really isn't easy. We tend to toss the word around, saying 'I believe in God, I have faith in Him' but when it comes to things that seem so unlikely, we become afraid to have that faith. I know that in my life there are times where I dare not claim things by faith because I think to myself that the odds are against it, and I dare not do it lest it turns out badly and it weakens me. I know it as a biblical concept, but I am afraid to apply it in my life. Its as if I say to myself 'I know that God wants the best for me and He is in control, but I think he might not intervene in this particular situation'.
Yet, sometimes it takes us to go through things like these to really come to understand this true meaning of faith. So I will walk by faith. I will believe that He is indeed greater, that He is indeed stronger, that He is indeed higher than any other.
And I know I am loved by Him, I have nothing to fear. Neither do you. Circumstances in your life may look bleak, the devil may try to pull you away from faith in the living God. The going may get tough, the sky may seem like its falling.
But God reigns. And do not just know that as a concept. Understand it. Internalise it. Live it.
God He reigns.