So im home today. I havnt been very productive thus far heh but I dont mind its a good relaxation, plus I think
I can finish everything I set out to do still so yay.
Well, imma start right after this post full of random stuffs =p.
First, lets talk about this inception like dream I had the night before =D.
Ahha, so you see, when someone has not enough sleep, they can sorta remember their dreams better or something, plus they can lucid dream.
So, I was dreaming that night, I can't remember what it originally was about, but then suddenly there was this cute green lttile dinosaur that started to walk past me. Well, walk like how a child would make a toy without proper legs walk, tilting back and forth that kind.
Kinda looks like the middle green guy from animal mechanical except that it was a tyrannosaurus rex. A really cute small tyrannosaurus rex.
At that moment in my dream, I was like 'waitamin, this isnt right...ahha I must be dreaming!!'
Then I recalled about lucid dreams and how you can now conjure up whatever world you want to. So I was like, awesome, lets summon fireballs on my hands. And then I did some cool gesture expecting fireballs to appear.
Nothing happened.
And I was like noooo, im supposed to be able to control my world if im dreaming.
Then I woke up from that dream =(.
But waitamin, this didnt seem quite right. Everything about me still looked so foggy.
Ahha I must be still dreaming.
Then I woke up from THAT dream.
And then I reasoned with myself, maybe thats why I couldnt summon fireballs, because it was a dream within a dream or something.
Then I really woke up.

I know right. I just had a almost lucid dream with three layers. So cool.
The only annoying thing was I didn't get to summon my fireballs.
Ahha. Tuesday was brandon's birthday, Quite weird to go out in the middle of the school week, partially the reason why I pengsan totally heh.
Well, aside from brandon's birthday, it was also FREE CONE DAY =D.
Haha first time I actually went, past few years I either didnt know about it, or thought the queue would be too long and didnt bother. Well I wouldnt have bothered actually but since it was brandon's birthday, zai la just whack.
I could totally have gotten more if I wanted to but I think I wont be eating BnJs anymore in a lonnnggg time heh.
This thing is insanely awesome.
ITS HOW DAMN COOL CAN. It sounds plesantly nice no matter what you do to it.
And guess what I spent this morning doing? xD
I epic failed =(. My ranking forever 'wanna be'. Fine fine fine, I damn lousy at singing kay.
Ahha omigosh im so happy. A random though came to my head this morning, if there is shoddy battle for pokemon battles, is there something for the tcg too?
THERE YOU GO =D. Problem is, its still in its beta stages. Its quite interesting how I randomly searched it and found this thing, and it was something that just started less than a month ago lol. The game bugs up sometimes so cant play it properly plus deck creator is not available yet so oh well. Few more months maybe hehe.
Always loved pokemon tcg. Just that I never quite had the money to buy the cards nor people to play with, so I stuck with my gameboy version, and that was one of my favourite game boy games of all time.
To end off, a quiz I did last week at the primers room while taking a break from I cant remember what. Noooooo no more primers room =(.
Spell your name with songs.
M - Majesty (Heh its playing now)
A - At The Cross
T - The Wonderful Cross (lololol its like flowing of thoughts)
T - Take All Of Me
H - How Six Songs Collide
E - Evermore (I dunno, it was the only one that popped into my head I havnt heard this in forever)
W - Who Are We Fooling
-- Name: If you're here you should know what.
-- Birth date: 21 May
-- Age: 17+
-- Nickname: RenaissanceX
-- Hair Color: Aiya everyone in Singapore also black by default la.
-- Zodiac Sign: Taumini =D.
-- The shoes you wore today: The China brand one.
-- Weakness: Math.
-- Your fear(s): Math.
-- Your perfect pizza: Sushi pasta pizza.
-- Goal you would like to achieve: Get 6 points in math for IB paper.
-- Your best physical feature: My inner buffness.
-- Your bedtime: Eh heh not fixed.
This Or That...
-- Pepsi or Coke?: Iced fruity tea.
-- McDonald's or Burger King?: Chinese food.
-- Adidas or Nike: China brand.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? : Dont care good can le.
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Dont care.
Do you...
-- Smoke: No im too cool, only hot people smoke.
-- Curse: No I cant cast spells.
-- Dance: Chicken dance.
-- Do you think you've been in love?: Oh my I love these questions, why dont YOU tell me? =)
-- Want to go to college: Dont want to go US.
-- Like high school: Dont like US schools.
-- Want to get married: Ahha, dont care.
-- Get motion sickness: Yea, I feel sick when I dont move around.
-- Think you're a health freak: HAHAHAHAHA.
-- Get along with your parent(s): Yea.
In the past month...
-- Gone to the mall: Clementi mall counts? =D
-- Kissed someone: Bo.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I didnt eat a single oreo.
-- Eaten Sushi: EH DONT REMIND ME LA T.T.
-- Been on stage: Eh, bo.
-- Been dumped: YAR KENA PANGSEH.
-- Gone skating: No I never go rofl lol.
-- Made homemade cookies: I made homemade ice cream =D.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Why this question every quiz also have one ah. SERIOUSLY YOU THINK PEOPLE ALWAYS GO SKINNY DIPPING ONE AH -.-.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: EH, I DID IN SEC 2 I THINK LOL.
-- If so, was it mixed company: No la all guys lol.
-- Been beaten up: Bo.
-- Shoplifted: Bo .
-- Age you hope to be married: If I do, not too late la mid to late (but not too late) 20s?
-- Number of Children: Eh, dunno.
-- Describe your dream Wedding: Often blurry like dreams usually are, dont remember much of it.
-- What country would you most like to visit?: GERMANY FOR THE HARIBO LOLOLOLOLOL .
In the opposite sex..
-- Best eye color?: I think generally only got one colour in Singapore leh.
-- Best hair color?: See above.
-- Short hair or long hair?: Can whip hair back and forth.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life?: Dont want to count.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Ehh so many how to count sia.
-- Are you a fast typer?: More than 100wpm =D.
-- About how many people have you liked/had a crush on?: OVER NINE THOUSAND (HAHAHA IM KEEPING EUGENE's RESPONSE) .
Have you ever moved?: Oh lookie my finger just moved.
Have you ever won an award?: Have la, but all small fry ones haha.
What do you want to do right now: Not procrastinate my math.
Are you listening to music right now?: I was not too long ago.
How long 'till your birthday?: Count yourself la I put my birthday on top already.
When was the saddest day in your whole life?: =)
Have you ever heard a song written about you?: Eh if have I wanna know.
Something you want to happen in 2011:? 6 points for math HL. IM NOT EVEN GOING FOR 7 -.-.
Honestly, do you miss 2010?: Good riddance. K la not so mean every year is great of course and I dont regret having been through it, but 2010 gives me bad memories too man.
1. Honestly, who's that someone on your mind? TC. Not. Seriously man.
2. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Math =(
3. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Ehhh procrastinate my work?
4. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Cw lol I was in the toilet.
5. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Heh how appropriate.
6. Honestly, what was your last dream about? Oh damn seriously I had this dream this morning -.-.
7. Honestly, do you bite your nails? When they get too long heh. I also flick the nails of my thumbs against each other.
8. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? Eh, sometimes.
9. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Actually honestly no.
10. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? Who doesnt haha.
11. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like? I love everyone =(.
12. Honestly. what do you feel like doing now? Sigh alright alright I'll go do my math.
Heh do work time. Cya.