Working where I do and doing what I am doing, as well as personally knowing people who have been affected, has given be a deeper sense of what is happening on the ground to businesses. I really feel for the people affected by this.
I used to think I'm a little emotionless and don't have as much empathy for people as I would like to. I think at least in this episode, I can tell that at the very least, I do feel for these people.
I've also come to be very clear what a truly selfish person looks like. One thing to see on the news / ridiculous facebook comments, another thing to see on my instagram feed of friends. Also hello, some serious lack of awareness to post it publicly.
Some people are celebrating the situation because stock prices falling and so they can potentially make a profit. I won't deny, I kinda hope they get burnt and learn a hard lesson.
Some people are just concerned about the things they don't get to enjoy. Won't deny, I kinda hope they get the virus. Just a minor one though, enough to develop a fever, be scared for their life a little.
But okay. I shan't wish bad things on people. It just...c'mon. Are you for real? Maybe I should just unfriend them rather than seeing it on my feed and feel annoyed.
Instead of looking at others, perhaps it's useful to look at myself. If I'm not going in on stocks to try to multiply my money during this time, what else am I doing with it - and this stable iron rice bowl I have? Are there better ways to be a steward of what I have been blessed with?
Aside from feeling for people, what else can I be doing for those who are truly affected during this time?